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SD playing my MIL

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I feel like I'm hogging the discussion board, so I thought I would start blogging...
(Give me a break on abbreviations I'm learning)

I get a text from MIL this morning, "can't get ahold of DH. Oldest SD is staying home from school."
(They were there last evening, and instead of making them come home during the week-my husbandlet them stay the night at gGrandma's)
I call her cell and oldest sd answers. "Why are you staying home?"
"I don't feel good."
"Did you throw up?"
"Do you have a temperature?"
"Is grandma there?"
"She is outside."
"Can you have her call me when she comes in?"
(Oldest sd pulls this shit all the time at our house when im getting them put the door in the morning and I don't let it fly.)
I send a text to my husband, "your mom's missed calls are because oldest sd is staying home from school. No vomit. No fever.she just feels bad. Call your mom if you want more info." (My husband travels for work and does not get to answer his calls/texts very often so I end up dealing with these things.)
MIL calls me back. I ask her if she took her temperature.
"I think my thermometer is broken it didn't read very high. She is 17 and old enough now to decide if she stays home from school."
Without even thinking I spit back at my MIL, "yeah and she's old enough to know exactly how to manipulate you in to letting her stay home from school too. I bet you didn't tell her she would be dropped back off at her house to sit alone all day...a day off school today means she gets to spend the day with grandma and get you all to herself. Look, MIL, just know that every day any kid misses school DH has to answer 20 questions fromBM. If you let her stay home for nothing it's your son that has to suffer for it ...not to mention older sd already has an F in two subjects now as of misterms."
MIL- "Well you can just have BM call me and I will talk to her."
"You are missing the point. Remember all that court drama and your son fighting to get BM to communicate in written form only and only between Him and Her? One phone call to you and she knows she can circumvent this entire court system and Our Family Wizard if she can just communicate through you without any documentation... Look, if older sd IS actually sick, then fine-just give DH all the info you can because he will have to deal with BM about it.... but if SD is up walking around your house eating poptarts and playing outside with the dog-take her butt to school, she is playing you for a 3 day weekend."

I left the conversation with my MIL at that. Probably overstepped a bit by telling my MIL what's what... but I really do feel like those kids play her (and she is the queen on enabling) so maybe it was a conversation due to happen.

I did get a call from my husband around 10am saying he just got off the phone with his mom and told her his oldest probably just has heartburn or needs to take a dump-both things are not skip school worthy.. no vomit. No fever. No gut wrenching cough. Going to school- so MIL was taking the 17yo to school.