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The Sickness That Wouldn't End

Learning to Stepparent's picture

So I pick SD up from preschool yesterday and her teachers inform me she has been complaining of a sore throat and that the strain of strep going around is apparently antibiotic resistant.


So I take SD to the doctor yet again. No fever, strep test was negative, no cough, no runny nose. Nothing but a sore throat. It's just a virus. So we take her to school. Around 10:30 this morning the teacher calls to tell me she is still complaining of a sore throat and is having trouble swallowing and is uncomfortable and has a fever of 101.5. Now, if SD is genuinely sick I will pick her up.

The school has called me no less than 3 times this year to come pick her up because she has a fever of 101.5. It's always 101.5 despite having no fever the night before and no fever that morning before school somehow within a few hours of being at school her fever is 101.5. Every time previous to this I have picked her up, brought her home or immediately to the doctor and her temperature has been normal. Every time within 45 minutes of getting the phone call her temperature is normal. I asked the teachers and they say they do not give her any Tylenol or Motrin or anything. I came to the conclusion that their thermometer must be off. Hey, it happens. I get it. However, I'm not going to pick SD up for nothing more than a sore throat.

I asked the teacher if she was sure her thermometer was accurate because all three times they have called me to pick SD up it has always been said she has a fever of 101.5 and every single time I take her home and her temperature has been normal. The teacher says "well I don't know and I don't know how you would go about checking that." Ummmm....perhaps take her temperature with a different thermometer and see if it also says 101.5? It's just a thought. So the teacher says I can leave SD there if I want but she is really uncomfortable and that she would take SD to the office and take her temperature there. She calls back 5 minutes later and says her temperature is 99. So what? Her temperature magically dropped 2 1/2 degrees in the time it took to walk the 30 yards from the classroom to the office? Or perhaps your thermometer is truly inaccurate and you should maybe think about getting a new one so you stop calling parents to pick up their kids for no reason?

So all that is wrong with SD is a sore throat and based on the attitude the teacher was giving me over the phone I am now considered the worst mother on the planet for not rushing right down to pick her up......for a sore throat.

Dear god in heaven I cannot wait for SD to be finished with this program and its idiotic teachers.