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Graduation disaster

imreadytorun's picture

So I went ahead and went to graduation only to keep peace with husband. Well....BIG mistake on my part!!
After it was over we walked out to wait for them to come out...she walked up to him and gave him a brief hug, walked right by me and gave my mom a brief hug and went and stood back over with her BF. My MIL and SIL walk up and SD hugs all of them and stands with them and BF talking while my mom, myself and my husband are standing off to the side. I look at them both and say "I've had enough I'm ready to go". Mind you I had gotten off work at 7 that morning and was supposed to be on my way to Florida with my mom for vacation!!
Anyway....MIL came over and said something to husband and he told her he wasn't happy right now. I'm thinking great he's mad at me becuz I said I was ready to go. He proceeds to tell her that SD is ignoring all of us and he isn't happy. I guess MIL says something to SD becuz she came over to him and said let's take a picture. I don't know what was said but he turned to her and started saying something...she hid her face from me and started crying...I did hear her say "this is my day". He turns to me and says let's go.
Walking to the car I said "this is exactly why I didn't want to freakin come!"
So we get home and everyone starts coming over for the cookout. I go straight to my room to change and finish packing. I come out and she and the BF are in the dining room talking with MIL, SIL, niece and my son and his GF. I go outside where my mom, husband and FIL and his wife are. I figured it was time to make it a bottoms up kinda night!
They are all inside laughing and giggling and opening gifts and cards without letting any of us know this is going on. Everybody eats and talks a lil more. SD comes out and hugs my mom and tells her bye and says she's leaving and turns around and goes inside and leaves. I look at husband and he throws his hands up. I am furious by this point and say "that is effin BS".
Shortly after everyone else left.
She left without us giving her our card...hate it for her!!!
Neither of us have heard a word from her since then. She has talked to my son and his gf and I found out she has been to the house twice but doesn't let us know she is here or has been here.

I am so pissed off. I told husband it is time to shut her phone off and change the locks on the house. I am not going to continue paying her phone when she doesn't use it to keep in touch with us or atleast him, and she is not going to come and go in my house! He said he agreed but...of course he has done nothing about either situation! I also told him I was going to take her off of my health insurance. He said no we can't leave her hanging like that. Well she managed with Medicaid before I put her on mine so she can manage again. Why shud I have to pay an additional $200 a month to keep her insured when she is treating us like shit!!!
She has such a big problem with me then she needs nothing from me!!

Needless to say he and I have not seen eye to eye on most of these issues. He says he is going to talk to her about how she's acting and the way she's treating us and the things she said to me. Well it's been a month and nothing has been said. He says "why does it have to be on a timeline and why does something have to be said right now?" Well the longer it goes on the longer she thinks she's done nothing wrong and the more distant the relationship gets and the angrier I get.

Had either of my boys acted the way she has acted they wudnt be walking today!! To my knowledge neither of them have ever been disrespectful to husband and if I ever found out it wud be the last time they were disrespectful to anyone and they know it!!!

I am just so sick of her!!! He has seen with his own eyes how she is treating us but still does or says nothing!!! It enrages me!!!


imreadytorun's picture

I agree. And it makes every angry that he is spineless when it comes to her. He knows if it was my boys acting this way he wud pitch a flipping fit and expect me to do something about it right then....the difference is I wud have already done something about it!
Funny thing is....sons GF asked her to work for her next wkd. SD told her she cudnt becuz she's going camping. don't have a job but have an opportunity to make some money but you turn it down to go camping....meanwhile I'm busting my ass at work paying for you to have a phone!!!

imreadytorun's picture

I will prob end up divorced before it's all said and done with....and she isn't even living here anymore!!!

imreadytorun's picture

AND....she has now gotten chummy with her mom now who she never had anything to do with or want anything to do with!!

imreadytorun's picture

I have seriously had the very same thought many times. I figure I don't need this shit. My kids are grown and I make a bough money to support myself!!! This is just super ridiculous!!!

oneoffour's picture

DH if my sons had treated you like this you would have had a cow ... and a pig and a horse!

And send SD the following..."SD, as you are an independent adult now and have shown by your choices that you have no time for me and do not need me for anything ... in 24 hrs your phone will be disconnected. As you don't need me or can even be polite to me I cannot see why I should provide you with cell phone coverage. Your health insurance will end as of June 21st 2014. It may surprise you that your parents CAN include you on their medical insurance. They don't HAVE to. As I am not your mother I have no obligation to cover you for anything. I am sorry that I have to do this. But you chose to ignore me. You chose to treat me like nothing. So if I am nothing to you then my money isn't any longer important. I hear tracfone have an excellent deal on android phones and Medicaid will still cover you. I hope you realise that treating people like this will have consequences."

Then do it. I wouldn't even tell her about changing the locks. She doesn't live with you. I wouldn't even TELL DH. After all, she is an adult and you do not need to include your DH on any business decisions with an adult.

whatwasithinkin's picture

drop her from insutance, guess what? she doesnt live with you you could be dropped from insurance for that alone. she doesnt live there, she isnt in school she is 17/18 years old your no longer obligated to carry her and neither is YOUR employer even with you paying every month.

second, change the locks. it isnt hard wait til he is gone and change the locks and present him his new keys when he gets home. I would just say we talked about changing the locks I found this set on sale and thought why not just do it. I wouldnt even mention your changing it because of her.

and the phone, that phone would be gone period end of statement.

and about him talking to her about how she is acting? let me assure you I have walked this road and it does not a damn thing but heighten her hatred for you because she is WELL aware that the only reason her Daddy would talk to her about such a thing is because YOU made him. Even if you didnt that is what that will result in.

she OWES you nothing, not even an apology. YOU OWE her nothing like benefits, a key to your home of a PHONE.

what works for me is the following:

DH has two children SD18 who moved from us to her grandparents because she was unhappy and had an option (isnt that great for kids these days? unneeded fucking options)

SD15 lives in another state.

I love SD15 I ask about her often. The other one, I dont mention, I dont discuss, I dont inquire. I dont speak the childs name to her father. she burned that bridge and may the fire it created light her way.

I enjoy my husband, my family, my home with out her in it, my vacations, my life. it makes life so much easier

imreadytorun's picture

Y'all are all absolutely amazing and a but funny with your advice. I know it's not meant to be funny but in times like these it helps to laugh at some of it. It is a bit of a relief to know that I not the only one that thinks the way I do....I mean DH absolutely makes me feel like I'm being such a bitch about it all. I am just stunned at how much of a pussy (forgive me...I NEVER use that word) he is really being even with her treating him like shit!!!