how many of you have wanted to enjoy something, but had it ruined by BM or SD
We went to disney one summer and SD ruined by insisting we need to do "this ride" or eat at "this restraunt" because that's what she did with BM
I wanted to watch a show but SD keeps talking about how her and BM wait for each other to watch it, it's their favorite show... now I don't even want to watch it, because now I am going to think about BM and SD snuggled under a blanket eating popcorn or drinking hot cocoa together watching it
I want to try a restraunt, but then SD tells me about how it's her's and BM's favorite place to go.
Now I know that SD didn't intentionally ruin these things, but it just makes it soooo hard to enjoy these things without having a bad taste from the thought of SD and BM!
And I know it's probably immature of me to feel this way, but oh well. I am not acting in an immature way because of the way that I feel, I still try to go on and enjoy these things, I just end up not enjoying it because of the bad taste left by the thought of BM and SD... I truly despise them, they are aweful people who have made my life miserable with thier lies and manipulations... with their hatefulness and literal destruction of property, with making my own family think that I am crazy (until they saw the manipulation and lies themselves, my sister STILL thinks I am mean and just hates SD for petty things... she's never seen SD act the way she does or say the things she has said, etc), she's only seen the superficial side of SD and BM (one time when BM dropped SD off for thanksgiving at my mother's house she met BM for a brief moment).
I went through something
Someoneelse, you are definitely not immature or petty. I agree with you 100%.
I went through something similar when I was married. My ex husband would talk about TV shows manchild liked and then try to get me to watch them with him, talking about his manchild the entire time. It was weird, he would talk about things that would happen in the show that manchild really liked and get super excited about how his son like this particular part(s); it was like my husband was this child idolizing his hero and just rambling on and on about him. Weird. These were TV shows I may have otherwise enjoyed but that pretty much ruined it for me. Not interested in the shows of the manchild and definitely didn't want to sit in front of the TV, snuggled up with manchild in the room and the two of them chit chatting like a couple of little girls. GAG. That was a red flag that I should have picked up on - I remember thinking it was weird, like he was obsessed with the things his son liked. If only I could have seen what the future would hold.....
I get that kids talk about
I get that kids talk about their parents when they are young.. but at a certain point.. they need to learn to "read the room"... and at the point they get to be older.. into teen years they have to get that their parent doesn't want to have a running commentary in their presence about their EX!
I guess I’m just a salty
I guess I’m just a salty petty b@tch, because I would have watched the show with the volume up and made sure I was a few show ahead for spoilers.
Spawn used to do a lot of stuff with Meth Mouth when she was married to second ex because he had money. When she came to live with us she had to do what we could afford. She expected the caviar lifestyle when all we could afford at the time was ramen.
Now Spawn is preggers with no job and the baby daddy has two kids so you know he pays mad CS, I see they take trips hiking, or to the lake nearby…because they are broke. Yet his ex and her current husband post photos of them taking grand vacations with the kids. For me it’s nice to see Spawn getting a good dose of reality and having to be the broke person trying to serve her “skids” (since she’s not married) ramen when they get caviar with their mom and step dad.
We are so traumatized from
We are so traumatized from dealing with BM that any city BM has lived in and now her entire state is ruined for us. I think it is because we only have negative associations to those places. There was a country song I used to really like that SS said was BM's favorite. I can't listen to it anymore without a bad taste.
If I find out BM likes something, I automatically don't like it anymore and if that's not a trauma response, I don't know what is.
Ohh me too. It's annoying af.
Ohh me too. It's annoying af. I would say to DH 'oh we need to watch x and y' and SD pipes up and I see her ready and think 'no no no' and she says 'OH mummy LOVES that show'. Ffs. Now I don't want to watch it. A song comes on that I love and SD says oh 'This is on mummy's playlist' and at one point DH even snapped and said 'SD we don't care'. Good bye song I once loved. It's annoying how toxic BMs taint everything. This was one week where it was pretty constant and annoying.
It's been a while since it's happened but I remember one time DH said we have to watch scrubs and I'm like umm yeah ok.. and asked if he's seen the whole thing and he's like yeah I have. I kind of in the back of my mind wondered if this was something he did with BM and one day I couldn't control myself and asked and he sighed and said yes and I was like ugh. Why make me sit and watch an entire series you have already seen with your ex? He also told me he loved the series bones and then BM was texting SD saying how she's laying in bed watching that show and it grinded my gears. Ignorance is bliss with this stuff and I hate to be told anything BM related she likes.
Omg YES! I LOVE certain
Omg YES! I LOVE certain bands, and i have since the 90s, if BM EVER ruins that for me I'd be PISSED! I know she listens to the same radio station as i DID... now i just have CDs of No Doubt, Garbage, Foo Fighters, Green Day, etc... but so help me God, if SD ever tells me "oh my mom has that CD i will probably have to toss them!
That summer we planned a trip specifically to include SD16 power sulk. It was unfun, because Husband was a jerk. And SD16 didnt add anything positive.
Poland is ruined for me. Even
Poland is ruined for me. Even all the wonderful food. I LOVE perogies, but I would rather stick them in my ears than listen to SD18 tell me over and over again about how BM is from Poland and eveything Polish is the best, and I know nothing because I'm from the east coast, not eatern Europe.
No actual offense to any Polish posters here. It's just BM.
YES! BM claims to be of
YES! BM claims to be of Italian descent. If she is, it is minimal. SS has bragged about how much BM loves Italy, has been to Italy, and knows everything about it and now speaks the language. Thanks to them, I have absolutely no interest in going to Italy or even in Italian food. Every cultural project at school, SS picks Italy and I always want to gag and roll my eyes.
People also assume that because BM and her GF are lesbian (or bisexual - we are unsure) and we hate them, that DH and I are anti-LGBTQ. NOPE, not at all. I am just anti-BM and GF. I would be anti-BM and GF if they were a heterosexual couple and GF was a man.
Literally anything BM and GF likes just makes me want to vomit. If they didn't abuse us for years, maybe I wouldn't feel that way, but this is what abuse and trauma does.
Ooof, Italy. That's brutal. I
Ooof, Italy. That's brutal. I love Italian food, so that'd be devastating. I seriously can't look at perogies anymore. And it's sucks that you guys get labelled as phobic when, like you said, it has nothing to do with BM and her sexuality, just that she's a crappy human.
Our BM pitched a fit when she found out that we're planning a reception in my home province. First, she got the province WRONG, and second she bitched about me "dragging the SD's out to the middle of the woods where they won't know anyone or the culture." Yeah, okay homeslice. It's on an island an hour away from the capitol city, and although she's lived in Canada for 30 years, she still can't even point it out on a map. And now the SD's don't even want to go (fine by me) because they think it's Hillbilly No Man's Land.
We have the same. Sd tells me
We have the same. Sd tells me stories from her nuclear family home but i know she cant even remember that stuff cos she was 2 when her parents divorced. I know BM just feeds her this stuff. She also constantly talks about her mum or her mums relatives. Most of the stuff doesnt even have any content. But mostly the nuclear family stuff bugs me. Gor what ive learnt it was a total war back then. Ive told SO it bugs me. He rarely stats it but he just encourages her when she's at it and puts fuel in the fire.
Moving into our new (current)
Moving into our new (current) house. I didn't have any time to enjoy it because The Skunk Ape immediately kicked Little Idiot (SDnow22.5) out and she ended up right on our doorstep.
Been there, done that
My DH and I have been dealing with this for 23 years. BM mottos seem to be, "No good deed goes unpunished " and "whatever they do, I can do better". It doesn't matter what we do for or with the skids (big, small or seemingly insignificant), it had to be one-upped. One example of thousands that have occurred over the years, recently we went to visit one of the skids in the city where she is going to school, had a nice visit, lots of good chats, bought her some groceries, went out for dinner, etc. Literally the day we left, BM flies to this city (unplanned, according to SD) and takes SD out for a one week long shop-a-palooza (hair, nails , pedicures, clothes, furniture, fancy restaurants, etc). Guess what we get to hear about. What we thought was a special visit, became very un-special by comparison. It continues to this day even though the skids are now in their late twenties to early thirties. It never ends.
I know this is a simplistic perspective.
No one can ruin something for you if you do not allow it.
Don't allow it.