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This was funny!

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This morning I am in bed and BD4 comes in and squeezes in between me and DH. We go on to have this short but funny conversation:

Me: BD we have to get ready early today because we have to drive DD11 to school at 7:30.
BD4: Why?
Me: DD got a part in the school play and she is going to be the evil stepsister!
BD4: Oh just like SD!!

I ran into someone's evil skid this morning!!

imjustthemaid's picture

First I want to start off by saying in regards to everything that happened yesterday: DH is a fucktard and will never see my point of view. I have decided to pretend SD16 does not exist. I will not be bothered by the shit she does and gets away with. Its not healthy for me to get so upset and I don't like her coming between us. We NEVER fight about anything except for her. So she is dead to me!

And she just called DH crying

imjustthemaid's picture

I have had it with SD16 today. DH just called me and he said that SD16 told him that she can't finish shoveling because she has no boots to wear. She said the reason she has no boots is because imjustthemaid gave DD11 her snowboots. (My DD11's snowboots broke a few weeks ago, I haven't had the extra money to get her new ones and my old ones fit her just fine so I told her just to wear them for the rest of the season) SD is all jealous that DD is wearing my snowboots so she called daddy crying.

Why I hate my SD16

imjustthemaid's picture

Yes I do hate her. Sorry not sorry!

She is the laziest most entitled spoiled brat I have ever met in my life!!!

I should have just woken up the brat and made sure she got a ride with DH to her GM's house and that way I wouldn't have to look at her ugly, miserable face all freaking day.

So without me asking DD11 gets on her winter gear and goes outside to start shoveling. Thats because I am raising a sweet, helpful little girl that likes to do nice things for people!!

My sisters twin boys...

imjustthemaid's picture

Where do I begin?? My sister lives about 4 hours away from me so I don't see her that often. She has twin boys age 11(same age as my DD11) they are about 3 weeks apart. Lets call them Demon and Satan. Demon is ok I guess. He is not a good kid but not as bad as his brother, Satan. Satan is going to grow up to be a serial killer and I will be on tv talking about how I saw it coming his entire life! I am not kidding!
