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Would this be contempt??

IAmALady77's picture

CO states verbatim: EACH parent is to have reasonable phone call time with SD on the days they are apart.

We asked BM to please use her reasonable phone call time before 6pm. This gives her ALL day to call. Now if we are going to be unavailable or not home after 6pm or shortly before 6pm (we only have a home phone)

If we call her sometime earlier during the day and at least make an attempt for her to have her call, since we are going to not be home, would it still be contempt if she doesn't answer her phone and we're not home when she tries to call?

Just trying to cover all our bases here. Personally, I don't think it should be contempt even if we don't call her because she has ALL day to call. NOT our problem that she waits until the last minute to do so. Our lives do not revolve around her schedule.

I'm asking because SO just picked SD up from daycare for our 2 days with her and she had a note with her with DETAILED instructions on how to take care of her pinkeye (that is actually completely gone now) including instructions on how to make her wash her hands and how to wash her bedding. Because I am a fucking moron and don't know how to do laundry or have basic hygeine apparently. The note also said "I don't get out of work until 6pm tonight so I'll call right when I get out."-BM

Lucky SO doesn't have to work tonight so he'll be here to answer the phone but if he WAS working tonight, I think he should just call HER and if she doesn't answer than tough titties you don't get your call tonight.

Because I REFUSE to answer the phone when she calls anymore. PERIOD. I do not engage with her anymore, per my therapists advice...DO NOT TALK TO THE CRAZY.


IAmALady77's picture

No it just says each parent is to have reasonable phone time on the nights they are aprt. We have SD 2 days at a time every 4 days. BM calls every day that we have her but then screams contempt if we are not available.

StickAFork's picture

I think if you call her while she's still AT WORK, then, YES, you (or rather BF) are in the wrong. No judge will say it's reasonable for you to demand this "before 6" rule and then try to enforce it when BM is AT WORK until 6.
Y'all are playing a dangerous game here. And SD will ALWAYS lose in it.

ETA: Also, if you are doing this, "Lucky SO doesn't have to work tonight so he'll be here to answer the phone but if he WAS working tonight, I think he should just call HER and if she doesn't answer than tough titties you don't get your call tonight." then you are giving her ammo for her argument that SD should NOT be there on nights BF is working.

simifan's picture

I think 6 is a bit early especially if she goes to daycare - i know i often don't get home until then. That said, I don't think it's reasonable to expect a call back every day either. There are times that we are in the door & kids are off to bed.

StickAFork's picture

But her mother still works. Sometimes until 6. Why did you pick such an early time as her cutoff?
I think 8 is much more reasonable.

IAmALady77's picture

Because SD goes to bed at 8, dinner at 6 then bath time ect ect. BM does not work everyday. And even if she is at work, her job is one in which she has PLENTY of free time to take 2 minutes to call SD. The whole notion is ridiculous to me anyway considering SD doesn't even really know how to talk on the phone anyway and half the time she doesn't want to stop playing or whatever to talk to BM. And the other half of the time BM is busy and doesn't call at all or decides to call but not talk to SD and just bitches at SO. I'm regretting coming up with the idea to put that stipulation in the CO at all at this point.