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BM is a manipulative twat.

IAmALady77's picture

I have a chest cold, I've had a headache for the past 4 days. I feel like shit.

So I'm TRYING to lay down for 2 effing seconds and who decides to call our effing house nonstop for 10 minutes? SUPRISE BM!!!!

SO FINALLY answers the damn phone and apparently SD "is so excited about daycare today and wanted to tell him all about it!" BM puts SD on the phone for exactly 20 seconds and then butts in about a bunch of bullshit that did NOT need to be adressed (oh their moving her to a different room in 3 months...FANTASTIC!)

WE put in the CO the stipulation that each parent can have reasonable phone call time with SD on the nights they are seperated. SO does not use this stipulation because
A) He works nights and is unable to call her during the day because she is at daycare and Dirol He knows that he will see her again in 4 days and he isn't DEVISTATED by their seperation and C) SHE IS 2 and a HALF YEARS OLD. SHE DOESN'T EVEN KNOW HOW TO TALK ON THE PHONE.

So really BM? REally??!! SD was SOOOOO excited and she begged to talk to daddy? NO she did not you stupid useless bitch!

She is just trying to trap him for when she takes him to court again, shes trying to prove that he doesn't care about SD and that she is trying to help the 2 of them have a relationship. It's probably because i am sick but I am ready to severely hurt this bitch.