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hismineours's Blog

Should I allow my BS13 and BS10 receive Christmas gifts from MIL/FIL?

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My children and I haven't talked to/seen my husbands parents for over a year now but they recently asked my husband what my kids want for Christmas. I haven't spoke to them because they get in the middle of how we handle BM and my husband's kids. BM/skids falsely accuse my children and I of everything and anything--physical and sexual abuse for example (which is unfounded, you can read my blog "When is enough...enough?! to get more of a picture of our life).

When is enough...enough?!

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Wow! When reading these posts, I feel like I'm reading my own biography! I want to know how much my children should endure from my husband's exwife/ex mother-in-law/children before I should consider the current circumstances unhealthy enough to get a divorce? Ok well here it goes, heres our story: