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I'm Sick!!!!

hatinthis31's picture

what if i suspect my ss18 is a childmolester...i have no proof but my gut tells me otherwise! He has talk to my kids about masturbation "jokingly" we just found that out and i havnt seen him since or i would have confronted him. Dh has spoken to him on the phone but never mentioned it i guess. Well last nite Dh tells me that ss has to move from his papaws because of a 7 yr old girl that stays there on weekends...well her grandmother wont allow her to stay when he is there but he wont tell dh why!! I think ss grandpa is a sicko anyway and shouldnt be hanging with a little girl but thats a whole other story i wont touch...i dont want to be over acting but i dont want to be a fool and put my kids in danger!! I dont want him living here at all and i think Dh is hinting for it and so is ss..over my dead body i cant allow this! Im at wits end with ss anyway..he acts like a 12 yr old when hes here and pics at my kids constantly. I dont know what i need to look for (what are the signs) that somthing isnt right with him??? Any advise? And also..we dont really know ss that well because he hasnt had anything to do with Dh until this year because of ..u guessed it i dont know what hes been thru or anything..Im just concerned.


Willow2010's picture

Make sure your kids are NEVER alone with him. Not even for one minute while you are in the next room. So what does DH say about the gma not letting the kid around young girls?

Pook's picture

Why does your SS need to live with you if he has been living pretty much full time with his BM? Has something happened there?

As for the grandparents, it may be time for DH to have an open conversation with them as to why SS isn't allowed there when children are around.

The alarms are going off, girl; don't panic, but don't agree to ANYTHING until this all gets settled

New second wife-step-mom's picture

Trust your instincts!

I had a former teenage BIL that I had a creepy feeling about. I did not trust him and would not allow him to be around my children. I would not even leave my children with MIL because I was afraid she would trust BIL with them. My then husband thought I was crazy and just being mean and hateful. Years later BIL molested his daughter. Sad

hatinthis31's picture

Thank u all for taking the time to read this..Im just confused and worried and I dont want to argue AGAIN with Dh because he just gonna say I dont want him around..blah blah... but the truth is i dont because I dont trust him!