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hatinthis31's Blog

I'm Sick!!!!

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what if i suspect my ss18 is a childmolester...i have no proof but my gut tells me otherwise! He has talk to my kids about masturbation "jokingly" we just found that out and i havnt seen him since or i would have confronted him. Dh has spoken to him on the phone but never mentioned it i guess. Well last nite Dh tells me that ss has to move from his papaws because of a 7 yr old girl that stays there on weekends...well her grandmother wont allow her to stay when he is there but he wont tell dh why!!

Blah!! Not 2 weekends in a row!!!

hatinthis31's picture

Omgosh..just talked to Dh and ss18 may end up here AGAIN this weekend...and Im not working Saturday either so that sucks!!! I do however have a bday party that my kids and i can go to tomorrow nite that Dh wont go with cause he cant stand the lady..ha that will count ss18 out too. I can take my kids and get out for awhile! I really hope that when Dh sees ss18 tomorrow he wont ask to come but the chances are slim...if he does..this may b an eye opening weekend because im not taken the crap he gave last weekend.. again!!

AAhhh Back to Normal!!! ( For now)

hatinthis31's picture

well to conclude my blog earlier today...dh came back home early enough to save some of my Sunday! I put my foot down and said ss18, dh, and my boys load up we r leavin to take ss18 home cause im not waitin all night to leave.. Its at least an hr drive to drop him off and i made it in 40 min. ha ha take that! Im tellin u what..when he got out of the car..oohhh the sigh of relief fell on us all! Dh if he would be honest is Jeckal and Mr hyde cause he changed in a split second! my kids were themselves again and myself well i could dance a jig of glee!!! Shame on me but i cant help myself!

WTF just happened???

hatinthis31's picture

so i get home early from work and i was hoping ss18 would be gone by now..well hes not! Its been a long weekend and im ready for normal again! so i ask dh when are u taken him home (he doesnt have a car btw)and dh says idk why..i say well im thinkin of goin to visit my mom (she lives on the way to ss18 house) we could drop him off before.. so dh asks ss18 "hey when were u thinkin of heading home"...uumm why are we asking him??

what do i do???

hatinthis31's picture

So ss18 has come for a visit and hasnt been here for awhile but this time he has been way out of character like smart mouthing my husband which is really ballsy...and pickin at my kids constantly! im about to go nuts! DH says get on him like you do the boys... ummm so i get to b the bad guy AGAIN!!! why cant he say somthin? he has really put up with more than what i would expect so thats not normal either..idk im just about to blow!

Glad i found this site....

hatinthis31's picture

Smile in the nick of time too...i have been contemplating divorce for the last few weeks...i feel awful and alone i cant believe there is a place like this to talk about my situation. i thought i was the only one who felt this way...its crazy but i googled " i hate my stepchildren" and this popped up..this may be just what i need..