TORN...dont know what to do...
so the current court order states : BM shall have child every other weekend rotating weekend days. the courts are apparently tired of my bf and BM because they have been in court so much, but its BMs fault and her lack of involvement that has caused this. So BM decides to put SD 6 in lessons, that fall on sundays..she asked BF if she could have SD6 every sunday until the lessons are over. I think he shouldnt do it because the court order doesnt state that..i feel that the courts are saying that she doesnt have her full rights back and still needs to work to earn her rights and weekends back..he thinks its a good idea because it shows that they are working together and compromising on things..but i worry about when she takes him back for joint and he tries to say that he needs his weekends with SD6 too they aren't going to listen to him, because he so freely gave up his weekend for my question this going to back fire on us..him allowing her to do what she wants? shes a screw up in and out of jail, lost her rights multiple times..should we really just give her what she wants? i understand that the child wants to take the lessons iam not saying she cant and shouldnt be allowed to take her..i just dont think the BM should have her rights back so quickly...any suggestions??
Hi DW - Can you let BM sign
Hi DW - Can you let BM sign her up for the lessons, but your BF takes SD on his weekend Sundays, and BM takes her on her weekend Sundays? That way, BM has a chance to prove that she is doing what is in the best interest of SD, and DH is not really giving anything up... he is somewhat compromising. Also, that way, SD doesn't have to give up something that she would like to do because of the schedule. At the very least, DH could show up with BM on his Sundays.
I don't know if the courts would hold it against DH that he allowed SD to take some lessons. I just think that your DH is going to have to possibly participate or at least pick SD up from them, etc. But I don't want to be the final verdict, because I don't have any court experience at all. Sorry...
*** A rainbow just threw up on me... and now I'm sh*tting glitter! ***
GOOD ONE!!! LOVE IT!!! my SDs BM lives off of welfare..she told my bfs mother when she was pregnant with my SD that she wanted to live in free housing, because thats what her sister was doing, and everything is paid for, she doesnt work, shes an ex felon, if she has my SD for more than 50% she can get child support!!! i knew it..i knew there was some underlying reason why she wanted to do it...thank you for opening my eyes!!! ahh your the best
i love this site