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Watching results of lazy parenting

Hastings's picture

Sometimes I feel like Cassandra or Chicken Little, over here seeing warning signs that no one else can (or will).

For as long as I've known him, SS13 has been sneaky. He lies. He gets upset when he doesn't get his way. He's not rotten or malicious, but he's 100% self-centered and thoughtless.

As I blogged before, I'm disengaging from everything that doesn't directly impact me, my property or my dogs. Better for my marriage and my stress.

DH is frustrating. He will often see or admit to problems, but he's ineffective when addressing them. Often, he doesn't know how to handle it or doesn't feel like dealing with it. Sometimes, he gets triggered and overidentifies and gets defensive.

BM and her parents spoil SS materially (one thing DH never does), give into him in everything. She rarely, if ever, puts consequences in place. When DH does punish SS, it doesn't have any impact because he knows in a few days, he'll be back at Disney BM's.

For years we've had a "no food or drink" in your room rule. He has regularly violated it. Multiple times. If he could be trusted, I'd have no issue with food up there. But I have no faith he would clean up messes or dispose of waste.

We also have a rule that all electronics get handed over at bedtime. DH is clueless. More than once, SS has snuck something in or kept something overnight, figuring DH won't notice. He generally doesn't.

Attitude has been a big issue (one that's never corrected -- he doesn't speak to me at all, but I would absolutely call him out on it).

So, yesterday, SS got home from the gym (BM is a member and on non-baseball days, he rides the bus to her house, then she drops him off in time for him to clean up before dinner). Before he went upstairs, DH told him to gather his dirty clothes and towels and bring them down after his shower. He went into detail: everything in the bathroom, under the bed, make sure your baseball uniform is in there.

SS brought down his hamper -- with about six clothing items, all of which were brand new and clean.

DH: What is this?

SS: My laundry.

DH: This is it? These are clean.

SS: They were on the floor.

DH: After I gave them to you on Monday and told you to hang them up? I see. So where's your uniform?

SS glares.

DH: You have a game tomorrow. Think you might need it?


DH ordered him to go back upstairs and do as he was told. Took him 20 minutes, probably because he was upset.

Anyway, he went up to bed right after eating and put his devices in the hall.

SS's bedroom window is on the side of the house, visible from the side of the backyard and lately he's been leaving his blinds pulled up. The TV is visible. Later, DH took the dogs outside (little dog needs supervision) and came back in.

DH: SS's tv is on.

Me: Oh?

DH: Are his electronics in the hall?

Me: No clue.

I went up with him and there they were. But the controls he put out for his PS5 were not the only ones he has.

DH: Well, it's all here.

Me: uh, he has a game controller.

DH went downstairs, collected himself, then went back up and made SS unplug his system and hand it all over, to be returned when he goes to BM's. The PS wasn't supposed to come over this week at all -- DH told BM that -- but when he picked up SS Sunday, there it was and he didn't feel like dealing with it. Said he'd just make sure he got it at night. Well, shocker: SS was tricking DH and keeping the key components so he could continue gaming.

Dh is furious about it all, but I'm just sitting over here thinking: Why are you surprised? You rarely really enforce things. He's disrespectful to a teacher with no consequence. He lies all the damn time and you don't bother to check up on him. Even when you do make the effort, BM undoes it.

It's chocolate bars and video games now. How long does he expect this to last? Thing is, I saw all this coming.

I would take all electronic devices and make him earn them back. Have him write an apology note to the teacher. Tell BM no more gym trips on our weeks for the foreseeable future. Create a detailed and extensive chore list. And so on.

None of that will happen. Not even close.


thinkthrice's picture

Is hard...breeding is easy.  Most guilty/disney "parents" breed.  They don't parent.  SS well eventually PAS out, preferring no rules BM.

Hastings's picture

Exactly. I don't think either DH or BM has any intention of really parenting. It's too much work. DH at least shows glimmers of it.

He talks regularly about how he's sure SS will eventually pull away completely. DH and BM have almost always communicated well and been able to work together on things but lately, she's gotten quiet. When she bothers to respond to DH, it's a bare minimum answer. He thinks something's going on. (Maybe so, but he also has a tendency to overthink.)

Lillywy00's picture


My ex (a staunch Disneyland parent) tried to use our home as his beastly breeders 24/7 respite care center

Pissed me tf off doing that sh*t and half the time his a$& wasn't even there - I was. So he incorrectly though he was going to pay that c*nt child support only for her to dump her domestic terr0rists with me. No ma'am!!! 

Hastings's picture

Before last night's drama, there was another gem. As I said, SS goes with BM to her gym after school on certain days. DH is fine with it. It's exercise and it gives us time to take a walk together, etc.

A couple of days ago, SS told DH that, this summer, his mom said he can go with her every week day to the gym on DH's weeks.

No one asked DH.

He texted BM and she said, yes, she had told SS that was fine with her. Again, no one asked DH. 

Now, DH doesn't mind SS going. It gets him out of the house and away from us (not too bad, given his recent attitude) and he's PASing anyway. But they're just steamrolling right over him. The way he's looking at it now, he can use that as leverage for SS behavior.


Pretty obvious, though, that DH is being pushed out. My guess? SS will start pushing the pickup time earlier so he's spending most of the day at her house.

Lillywy00's picture

That SS behavior and his bio parents blind eye would irk the h3ll out of me if I were in your position.  

I find that - without good counseling - maladaptive Disneyland parents just want their spouses to shut up and go along for the extra bumpy ride like Disneyland sidekicks 

More power to you ma'am and hopefully things change for the better bc if your husband continues to passively parent his son things could get worse as he get older. That's why it's important to check his behavior now while y'all have a better handle bc once they get bigger, stronger, moodier, etc you all will have a more serious problem.

Hastings's picture

Exactly what I've said for years. The younger they are when they learn a lesson or you correct a problem, the better.

Rags's picture

Time to march SS to the driveway with his PS in hand. Place it behind the tire of the car, and run it over. Then hand it back to SS and tell him that going forward the same will happen to his phone, etc... if he fails to comply with the rules of the home, the standards of behavior, and standards of performance in school, etc...

See how he likes standing in the driveway with a smashed PS in his hands.


If BM wants him to have that shit in her home, it had damned well better stay at her home.

thinkthrice's picture

The way you think .  Of course NCP biodad wouldn't DARE do this b/c CP BM would call CPS on him. 

Rags's picture

Abuse of a PlayStation is not child abuse.  Funny how this BM has an issue differentiating between a people and an electronic device. No wonder why this Skid is a shit spawn.

Hastings's picture

Not bad. But as BM's parents bought it, that would ignite WWIII. Maybe this time he'll actually enforce the "that thing doesn't come over here again" declaration.

Winterglow's picture

Or he can take it from him and lock it away only returning it as he leaves to go back to bm.

Hastings's picture

That's what's happened this time -- and what he should have done when it came over after he said "no PS." Maybe he'll learn? Probably not.

Lillywy00's picture

I reminded my ex (a Die hard Disneyland Dad and B. Beck n Call hotline ceo) that MY house was  not his ex-wife's replica home.... and if him and his kids didn't like it then they could all go back over there and live with her permanently!


H3ll I'm raising productive citizens who will be successful as they can be. 

Want to be delinquents/bumps on logs/disrespectful domestic t3rrorists? Fine....but not up in my home 

Harry's picture

SS is getting away with it.  SS is doing anything he wants. No one is stopping him.  No one is looking out for him. Why do you think anything is going to change ?   Is SS wants to go to BM gym with her that's good,  if something is going on where he can't go, there is always tomorrow or next week.   As long that you are not play Uber mom.   More time away from you, the better it is.  It's his mother.