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Funeral update

Hastings's picture

Just to update, we ended up not taking SS13 to my grandmother's funeral. He was better, but still coughing a lot so DH decided it was best to leave him in school.

1) Last thing you want in a solemn service is loud coughing fits.

2) The internment was short, but involved being outside in windy, 33-degree weather with sleet. Not ideal for someone just getting over the flu.

Anyway, it was a lovely service with lots of family and friends. And a lot of people actually asked about SS, so DH wasn't going to come away from it thinking "he doesn't matter and no one cares" -- which he goes into when he's moody.

Relief for me not to have him there, really, though it probably would have been fine.

He comes back tomorrow, which I'm not really looking forward to, but such is life.