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habsle's Blog


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Since I have started to treat SS like an adult since he decides that it's okay to yell and scream about dinner choices and what he can and can't do (like an adult) he decides to write a note and hide it behind my back to his daddy about it. I showed it to DH and all I got is "wow at least he's having deep thoughts about it" Really that's all you have to say. Wow is right... I have given your SS some responsibilities such as showering and eating and getting homework done and that's what I get....


habsle's picture

How can I be the only one who sees the manipulation going on!?! We have a parent-teacher conference and DH doesn't want me to go. Why? Because he's the one here every night to make sure that SS's homework is done, papers are signed exc. HE double hockey sticks he's not here so I need to go so someone will be telling the truth. SS didn't complete a homework assignment. DH got a phone call from the teacher and said something to ME about it! It's not my homework. Things are crazy and I don't know how to play the manipulation game and I don't know what to do anymore!

Dinner Time

habsle's picture

So what happens when DH is gone and SS refuses to eat dinner? He didn't eat breakfast because we were out of Pop-Tarts, he doesn't like the Lunchables I bought so he hasn't eaten today. Then I get the dinner fiasco. Just leaving it out for DH to see when he gets home.

Grrr :(

habsle's picture

After trying for over a week to make an appointment with SS teacher, I finally got a call back. Now the meeting has to be on her planning period. Oh and it has to be on Friday when DH is off. So I have to take off of work to do this meeting (that I have been made to set up because DH "doesn't know how to do this school stuff.") I also got 2 phone calls from said teacher. SS grounded...or so I thought. I had to wash his hair because he's 9 and doesn't know how to...Fuck that! I'm done with it now. DH gets home and I tell him about it and he goes in and acts like nothing happened.

Another BGM visit

habsle's picture

Today, SS is going to MIL house. It's odd that they kicked us out but yet they want him every weekend. I think that they just wanted me out. I am now the "mother" of the house and she hates it. He's going to come back an even bigger brat because they "talk" about me. I know because it happened last time. I don't like this at all!

Day 13

habsle's picture

I do not know my place.I don't feel like I am part of the family. Is it wrong that I feel a sense of disgust when I have to hear or see him? I'm trying the whole not saying anything but it's so hard. I'm expecting results NOW and not later. I'm off work tomorrow. Maybe I can get a break!

Day 12

habsle's picture

Will the back talk never end? I wish that I wasn't the only one that sees him doing this. He does it when DH is home but I'm the only one it seems to bother. When DH is home SS ends up being the greatest kid but when I am not, he turns into a brat from hell. I ended up freaking out only to be told to "Listen to what you say. No wonder he doesn't listen." Excuse me! I say the same damn thing you say. I just get fed up after the 3rd time of him "not hearing." Believe me, his hearing is fine. I've had it checked by the schools every year. I want to stop crying daily.

Day 8

habsle's picture

Still not better but I'm going to try to do the basics. When he comes home, just tell him to do his homework.If he does, great! If not, oh well. When I cook, if he eats it, great! If not, oh well. I'm down to wits end and I don't want to lose me again. I have become a raging ninkompoop and I hate it. I greatly appreciate all the comments so far. It comforts me in a way to know that I am not alone!

Day 6

habsle's picture

Wow! This is not getting any easier. I'm hurt emotionally. Tired emotionally and physically. I'm losing it. The SS is manipulative and lying and I'm the only one here to have to "fix" it since Husband works all day. I don't know what to do! I was told that I make things difficult but no one is telling me what I'm supposed to do. I have tried grounding, going to bed early, and spankings. The spankings I don't mind doing but he acts like I'm killing him. (Spankings = slap on the wrist). I've gotten calls from his teacher and I'm supposed to handle it. Call her back. Set up meetings.

Day 2 PM

habsle's picture

Sad For the first time, E and I are ourselves... going crazy. I'm losing it! I don't know if I can do this much more. The back talking, the I'm going to do what I want to do and you can't do anything about it, the lying... All I feel like I can do is cry!
