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groovetheory's Blog

Summer's officially over :(

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Hey guys. Hope you all are managing laterly. Ok, I've not been on here because, I've been blissfully happy because SD now 9 has been visiting dad's mom, and her mom during the summer. Although we wanted her to spend the time with her mom, her mom wasn't able to see her the WHOLE summer until the last two weeks of the summer -- when we were going to have her. WTF! You can't make time to see your child? Whatever...

You know it is bad when...

groovetheory's picture

You know it is bad when you go to Parent Teacher Conferences and the teacher lets out a big sigh and admist your conversations tell you "You have your hands full with her". Great. Just Great. Plus teachers talk in code you know...they don't tell you the full story because you hate to hear that your little one is the devil in disguise! SD8 had her conference, and the same day was sent to the office for interupting the class as well as being diobedient.

Four whole weeks.

groovetheory's picture

That is how long my SD8 was on punishment. A whole month. She was on punishment for lying, and lying again, and fighting in school, then not listening and laughing to the teacher in school, and fighting in school again, and then lying again. Whew. Me and DH did not give her any breaks either. She's been on lockdown and she hated it. So, today is supposed to be "a new day". She started off the morning good by talking (when she normally does not), so we will see how long it lasts. Truthfully, I just can't wait until the summer when she goes and sees her BM, that way, I'll get a little break.

That didn't last long

groovetheory's picture

Well, trying didn't last long folks. SD8 continues to be a royal PITA. Well after a good week of conversations, everything went down the drain. SD continued to withdrawl from the group and only talking to her dad when she needed to. I caught her on several occasions trying to communicate with BD8mo behind my back. As soon as I turn to see what my child is smiling about SD turns her head. WTF? SD can communicate, I encourage it - but I won't encourage it behind my back. I had to go out of town last week Monday and Tuesday and my DH bday was on Monday.


groovetheory's picture

Well this weekend was a relatively good one compared to those past. Our family actually had a good time. On Saturday we allowed SD8 to a playdate that she did not deserve. Most of it was to get her more motivated to do the right thing, so that she can once again feel what it is like to have someone over the home and have a good time. The SD8 and her friend played in her room, they watched a movie and we all had pizza. While SD8 was with her friend, me and DH were able to play a couple of games.

I'm being alienated.

groovetheory's picture

Well now, after discussing issues with my SD8, hoping that everyone cleared the air on the expectations in the home and outside of the home with other family members, my SD8 continues to act the same. More specifically, SD8 proceeds to only talk DH on the way home from school. SD8 by DH's explanation is chatty telling him about everything that went down in school talking his ear off. As soon as they hit the house, she retreats. SD8 only says hello to me, and after that either takes her gameboy in the other room, or just sits on the couch watching t.v talking to herself or saying nothing.

I showed my hand - a royal flush

groovetheory's picture

Well, my holiday was bliss. That is because SD8 went to see her mom for the holidays. Yeah! So, now she is back, and I had a good outlook on life and was actually pretty cool for the first week, up until this weekend when the sh$t hit the fan. I guess I only have a week tolerance.

SD8 bascially all of a sudden had a breakdown and sat and told her dad how much I'm preventing her from playing with her half sister now 7 months. She also preceded in telling him that I was mean, and she didn't know how to talk to me.