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Symptoms/Signals SD 8 years old is not well

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I have already written about her: not responding, not making eye contact, ignoring adults, temper tantrums, also no boundaries.
I would like to describe a couple of events:
Situation 1: we went to a new flat I bought. I showed her the rooms, bath, kitchen, and told her how much I have worked in painting, cleaning. She went to the entrance and when I arrived seconds later, she had peed all living room.

Birthday party

gaviotas's picture

My SD 6 years old, has selective mutism, under treatment, but not going so well. Several times I tried to convince my husband to change the psychologist with no luck.
She only talks to only one child at school and still does not answer to adults and is isolated in many social activities.
So the girl decided to celebrate her birthday only with her girlfriend and her cousins, instead of inviting the whole class (very common in our city).
I was amazed because I expected the parents to motivate her and invite all her mates at school, but they supported her decision.

Help Stepkid has selective mutism

gaviotas's picture

I have been married for 3 years now with my husband, we have a little baby and VA my stepdaugher, she is 7 years old and has selective mutism.
At the beggining I thought she was shy, but after a few months I realised something else was going on, I insisted in therapy for her, but her parents rejected the idea.
Now she is at school and they sent her to the psycholgist a few months ago.
She is not improving, she would not respond to a hello or what do you want to eat? This situation is very unpleasant.