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Symptoms/Signals SD 8 years old is not well

gaviotas's picture

I have already written about her: not responding, not making eye contact, ignoring adults, temper tantrums, also no boundaries.
I would like to describe a couple of events:
Situation 1: we went to a new flat I bought. I showed her the rooms, bath, kitchen, and told her how much I have worked in painting, cleaning. She went to the entrance and when I arrived seconds later, she had peed all living room.
Situation 2: I gave her a lovely dress to wear, she looked at it for about 15 minutes, I told her several times to put it on. Also she did not want to finish her breakfast, after she decided not eating any more, she put on her dress and a couple of minutes later she poured the milk on the dress.
Situation 3: when she does not want to eat, she stares at the food, makes an angry face and does not respond any more to anyone.
Situation 4: She does not want to do things on her own, like dressing, bathing, combing. Still sucks her finger and touches her ear repeatedly, she hurt her ear many times.



step off already's picture

What is the history with this child? Is this new behavior or have there always been issues?

These sound very serious.

gaviotas's picture

Yes, her behavior has been like this since I met her, 4 years ago. She has been seing a psychologist for about 18 months, but I see no improvement.

gaviotas's picture

no, I guess the professional is not the right one to deal with her problems. But BM does not want to get a second opinion. My DH does not want either. I am trying to convince him, but he is very sensitive with this matter, and I think he cannot accept what really is going on.

gaviotas's picture

we have that kind of schools, but as she has no cognitive problems -even she does not communicate well- she is good at Maths and other subjects. Also her aunt is a teacher at her school, so she is protected in a secure environment.

BM & dad understand the problem, but they seem to have other priorities and are "happy" with the current psychologist. It is a pity, as they are wasting precious time.

Shaman29's picture

I hate to say this because she is only 8 and the thought makes me sick to my stomach.

She may have been sexually abused.

Nothing she is doing is normal. She is angry and screaming for help but doesn't know how to express that need.

gaviotas's picture

I thought about that too. But the psychologist said she had a trauma,a big one, but not sexually. I have my doubts about it.

Shaman29's picture

It's time to get a psychiatrist to see her instead. The psychologist is not doing her any good if they're not finding out what traumatized her so much.

gaviotas's picture

thank you, yes, I will try harder to convince my DH to have a second opinion.
We have here a good medical insurance that covers therapy and tests.
The issue is that he gets very nervous when we talk about her problems, and he has problems dealing with the sad reality. Also BM is "happy" with the treatment, he also needs to talk to her to go to the new psychologist

gaviotas's picture

I do agree with you. At school she is quiet and with 33 kids around I guess her teachre is not paying enough atttention. She does not communicate at school, but she pees on her pants once or twice a week. As I said her aunt is a teacher there too (not hers) so she is protected. Her behavior is typical, but some things changed. Years ago she used to cry (no idea why) & lie on the floor covering her head, or freezed when she did not want to do something, but not any more. That is the improvement I notice.

wanted_five's picture

I don't comment often but this child was 7 in August, 6 in October and 8 now according to your blog history? Um... what's up with that?