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Lots of Changes

flipingout_6's picture

Well hey everyone. First off I want to thank everyone for their support and advice while I was dealing with the loss of a good friend. In my last post I expressed my pain and how I dreaded dealing with SS for the weekend and how SO seemed completely unsupportive. After a long talk with SO, and some time to grieve I am doing much better. SO wasn't trying to be a selfish ass, he just didn't really understand and didn't know how to help. I got together with some good friends and had a drinking, crying, screaming laughing night.

Since then things have been alright, I still have my moments but I have dealt with the majority of it. I still miss him like crazy, but I know dwelling in my own misery doesn't help me and would piss him off anyways. SO has been amazing. He has been doing things around the house for me, helping me with dishes, and he is being incredibly sweet, even surprising me with my favorite treats randomly. I don't know whats going on but I love it. Its like we are back to where we were when we first started dating. We are both really looking forward to a nice summer with lots of outdoor activities.

After looking for a job for a couple months I finally have one! Its with a company that has a great reputation for promoting from within and the pay isn't too bad. It's not quite where I saw myself a year ago but frankly I don't give a damn. A job is a job and I think I may enjoy it. Schools not going so hot, but I am busting my ass to play catch up over spring break so I can pull my grades out of the toilet. I got off track when Das died and basically questioned everything in my life, and doing my course work was the last thing on my mind.

Its almost like I have a new lease on life.

Things with SS are okay I suppose. Haven't seen him in three weeks. He bailed on one weekend visit, rescheduled it for the following weekend then bailed again. He is supposed to be coming down this weekend, we shall see. I know SO is both upset and relived. The last visit didn't end well. SS has become incredibly vain, I have never seen anything like it. Constantly staring into the mirror, brushing his hair, obsessed with looks. Anytime we went out somewhere he would make comments about how that girl was staring at me (to include middle aged women). The straw that broke SO's back was when we went out to eat right before taking him home.

While sitting across from SS he made an awful face, like he just bite into something really bad. I asked him what was wrong, he told me that a girl was taking picture of him on her phone. I responded with well how do you know that. He told me he saw his face on the phone screen. I said well if someone is taking pictures of you we all need to get up and go confront them because that shit is creepy and dangerous. SS turned all sorts of shades of purple. SO said all right that;s enough, let me tall you something (to SS) boy you are not all that, your 13, this vanity shit has got to stop. SS was PISSED. Wouldn't talk to us for the rest of the meal and didn't say a word to us tell drop off.

Who knows. I don't really care. As long as I am not getting blammed for stuff I have no f*cks to give. This is between SO and SS. Hopefully we won't be a little poop if he comes this weekend. He is really trying to push boundaries on his visits (there have only been 2). I haven't said a damn word about it, but even SO is noticing how this last visit the kids was being disrespectful, talking back and just being a stinker. I guess its a teenage thing. I have never seen a teen boy so obsessed with his looks though. It's crazy, kid seriously seems to think that he is a super model and that he is coveted by any woman he encounters. What the hell?

Oh and I did do a very irresponsible thing. I just found out my Victoria Secret card still works, guess who went shopping? This chick. I haven't bought a bra or underwear in almost two years, I said fuck it I'll deal with the bill when it comes in, I want to feel sexy damn it! lol


Stepped in what momma's picture

Your skid sounds like my SO's STB14YO girl, she is soooo into herself it isn't even funny.
She talks about the ONLY girl at school who is her "real" competition and on and on about how good looking she is.
It floors me on the daily how in to herself she is and how her parents promote her in this thinking. I straight up told her, "people that are pretty don't have to go around telling other people their pretty".

flipingout_6's picture

Holy crap, they are alike! Lol. Though SS thing with the other kids at school is apparently he is Mr.Billy Bada$$, and they don't mess with him. Pfffft whatever kid.
The funniest part of it all is that he doesn't brush his teeth or wash his face when he visits. You are so hot, and so concerned with appearances, but basic hygeine doesn't matter.

flipingout_6's picture

Oh FFS, up tell about age 11 neither did SS. He would stash poopie undies behind the water heater.
Why are bathroom issues such a common theme with skids. Jesus you cann look cute all you want but if you smell like a hibernating grizly bears butthole no ones going to think your cute.

flipingout_6's picture


flipingout_6's picture

Worked out really well. They didnt know him, but we all had served together at some poiny and all of us had lost someone. It was really cathartic, helped me see the light at the end of tunnel. I can at his picture and smile now instead of breaking down.