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WTF BM???!!

Fading's picture

If you've read my previous blogs, you'd know that BM and I were getting along extremely well and we spent lots of time talking (and not just about SD!). Well, about a week and a half ago, she started acting really shady. Wouldn't say hi or even look at me. Told DH not to bring me with to pick up SD anymore. Then she started getting more vocal and calling me a slut, whore, slore...etc. Not only to my face but to mutual acquaintances as well. She even told one mutual 'friend' (a gas station clerk who we both know pretty well, and who I am FB friends with) that DH has "held out on this phase too long and just needs to come back to her" and that "all Fading does is sneak around and sleep around". (Can I just say I have libido problems and trouble feeling 'ready to rumble', DH hardly gets much out of me (I am seeing a doctor to try and figure out why I am having this problem), why in god's name would I to give it to anyone else when I barely give it to the most accessible man I have living with me?)

It's like all of a sudden she has reverted to old evil, cold BM. I had no clue what was going on or what I supposedly might have done. Until DH & BM's mutual friend, we'll call him Dino, told DH that BM called his wife ranting and screaming about me and....drumroll please....THAT SD'S SF SUPPOSEDLY HAS THE HOTS FOR ME! Ok. This is highly unflattering as SF, although a nice guy, is soooooo far from my type, he's not even in the same solar system. Not only that but I'M FREAKING MARRIED. And I guess that wasn't the only thing that got her goat, BM's MIL (SF's mom) had visited and offered her opinion of me (after stalking my old Myspace profile that I haven't logged onto since 2006 and meeting me ONCE). I guess her MIL thinks I'm a gold digging biznatch who is out to completely break the ties between SD and DH.

(Gold digging? Really? DH worked at Goodwill when I met him, drove a rusted out SUV and couldn't afford an apartment of his own at the time....Then I supported us BOTH while he was unemployed...TWICE).

So I am chalking her hatred up to thinking that SF has some sort of school boy crush on me and her MIL's SASing? (Stepmom Alienation Syndrome?) I'll just kill it with kindness and let it go. I'm not sinking that low again. I feel like I'm in a really bad episode of Desperate Housewives...


BSgoinon's picture

Maybe since getting to know you, she has realized what a wonderful person you are and WHY DH is with you, and it made her mad.