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OT: The Making of A Video

Fading's picture

Yesterday I started making the first of several videos for DH. Documenting my love for him and things we do together or special quirks that we both laugh about so that if anything ever happens to me, he will always have the videos. I am keeping them secret until the time comes to give them to him, making him think I'm just being a dork with a camera. This first one starts off with me joking around about how he sleeps in the MIDDLE of the bed and leaves me about a foot to sleep in, then I go on to talking about the first 2.5 years of our lives together. I plan on taping us playing WoW together since that is something we always do and several other dorky things we do. I hope to have at least an hour of video by the time I am done.

My problem is I don't know when or how to give them to him. I'm afraid if I wait and have someone give them to him after I pass, they will never get to him. What are some of your ideas on giving these to DH?


onehappygirl's picture

That would make a great valentine's day gift.

Love me or hate me, I'm still gonna shine!!!

Fading's picture

I thought about giving it to him on Vday but I'm not sure I'll have it done it time Sad
*: (=’:’ ):*

"I have not failed, I have just found 10,000 ways that won't work." -Thomas Edison

sadstepmom26's picture

Thats very creative and cool. I think anytime would be appropriate to give to him. Birthday maybe?