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Update: I think I’ve entered the twilight zone

ExhaustedByItAll's picture

After the hell that was December, January and the beginning of February, we were back to manageable and ok this weekend. I’d say almost better than ok, but my standards have lowered so far that may be skewed. Only short lived attitudes at times, and only one minor outburst from SStween that included a door slam when DH asked him to do some homework. So who are these children or what has happened in the 11 days since we saw them? I have no idea. 

I swear this is part of the crazy making, we go from full bore, hell on earth weekends to this. My anxiety when we go to pick them up is through the roof never knowing who is going to turn up, do we get Jekyll or Hyde? Are we getting screamed at or spoken to like actual people?

Both remarked that they were glad to sleep in their beds and how well they slept. That was just weird, both of them said it separately and didn’t hear the other, so where the heck have these kids been sleeping?? I asked, I was ignored. SD did tell me that she talked to the school counselor a couple times, she didn’t tell me about what, and she’s not in any trouble (DH gets notified if she is). They were quiet as anything and went to their rooms to use the internet after their calls to mommy rather than giving us the usual crap, so who knows. 

I’m still pretty much disengaged from SStween, but DH did some things with both of them individually and together and we had one all family outing. They were overall pretty well behaved.

Both of them were really nice to Toddler for the most part this weekend. It was just usual kid stuff, no name calling, hitting or pinching. 

I’m not forgetting what has happened these past few months, and I’m still looking at this 6 month window for overall improvement, but for this weekend at least, DH and I are both breathing a sigh of relief. I don’t know if they want something and haven’t asked yet, are they buttering us up just to fall back into old patterns? Is BM too busy focusing on something else to make her usual effort? I don’t know and I’m done thinking about it for now, happy Monday everyone!!

Edit: Well she's not too busy to send abusive emails demanding more $$. Just had 4 of those roll in. Still glad the kids were ok this weekend.


tog redux's picture

My formerly alienated SS21 was like this too. It's part of the roller coaster of having a toxic mom. Sometimes they were fighting and he was happy to be away from her, other times she was texting him all weekend and he was sullen and quiet. I hated that roller coaster, so glad to be off of it. 

ExhaustedByItAll's picture

After the $$ emails, they talked to their mom and  SD started accusing DH of never paying for anything and kids spent the evening in their rooms. DH was furious. He pays child support, school fees, extracurriculars, buys their shoes for school, not to mention the money we spend on the kids while they are here, for all of the clothes and things here and on renting a house with 2 extra bedrooms that are used less than 1/3 of the year. The BM had to do something, it must have been all too much for her to hear the kids were enjoying their time at dad's. I'm so pissed off. I hate that woman, I hope she gets that aneurism she deserves for her birthday this year.