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Skids NEVER lie!

ExhaustedByItAll's picture

I saw this article and it really resonated.

While this is an example of the kid initiating the allegations because he didn't get what he wanted, if our HCBM chose to go that route, I have no doubt the kids would do and say whatever she told them to do.

When we were in court, her affidavit was full of, "SD reports that DH yells and screams at them for no reason all the time!" and similar accusations. When she was asked directly, "Does SD ever lie?" Her answer, "SD lies all the time." When asked, "Do you think that SD may be lying about or exaggerating these things to you to elicit your response?" Her response, "Absolutely not! She would never lie to me!" Cue the face palm.

Shockingly, the comments on FB to the article were extremely sympathetic to the step parents.


Aniki-Moderator's picture

Ugh, that little bugger really worked it. As a step parent, I cannot imagine being able to live with that. It would either be separate houses or divorce. 

shamds's picture

Dad after bio mum kidnapped both sd's aged 7 & 17, after 5.5 yrs eldest sd who was 22-23 re-initiates contact with my husband. Her exact words were "bio mum lied so much about so many things and was abusive and did so many unacceptable things but thats in the past, forget about it and move on, we just want to be a family with you, wr know you have a new family and we don't want to ruin that but we still want a relationship"

when hubby tells her that they will always be his kids and marrying me, having 2 kids with me doesn't change that, sd22 does a whole 360 syaing "we can't be a family!! Mum says you went to witch drs to do black magic against her, how can we be a family" 

remember, this is the same bio mum who lied constantly and sd acknowledged and now accept bio mum is telling the truth tht daddy would waste his time seeing witch drs when he is happily married with a much younger more attractive wiman and has 2 kids with her

apparently basic logic and common sense doesn't exist with skids

strugglingSM's picture

BM would always claim that SS was "really sincere" about whatever allegations she claimed he made about us, but when DH would tell her things he said about her home she would tell DH he was lying...

Disengageme's picture

I learned all too well recently how skids can lie and manipulate when they don't get their way. My ss12 told his useless mother that he wasn't coming to visit his dad anymore because of me. Well she and I had a public shouting match over it and I've plotted so many schemes about what I could do until I asked on here what to do and finally got some clarity. Since dh and I had a baby boy eight months ago it's ate away at the little brat. Dh has tried to show him understanding but apparently that's not good enough and since we won't ship the baby off to a foreign country he decided to create havoc. He did all this because dh jumped on him for waking the baby up, because he has to bathe, and because he was asked to stop having his mom drop him off unannounced at all hours of the night. He was a sweet kid and I can't imagine that he would be that jealous over a baby that he would start telling lies. Since he's ashamed to admit to his dad the real reason he won't come around now he seen me as an east target. I dread the day when he ever comes back around and I have to look at him knowing all the trouble he caused. I know it all comes from lazy parenting and some say it's not his fault but it's hard not to take personally. 

shamds's picture

I was neglecting our daughter with comments like "why does the baby cry all day?"

my husband knew baby wasn't crying all day long as he always message me from work to see how things were etc. Hubby told his son babies cry for many things like dirty nappies, hungry, tired, woke up sick. I kid you not, ss17.5 asks his dad "why do babies get sick or hungry etc" which is such a dumb comment to make

i guess when you're the product of batshit crazy, having a stepmum who does a great job nurturing and caring for her kids pisses you off but that aint my problem. Take it up with the cheating abusive hoe that gave birth to you, abused then neglected you!!

notarelative's picture

Her ex used the situation to tell the kids that she was a “poor excuse for a human being and a lazy excuse of a mother” 

So the ex used the lies to try to alienate the kids. Well that worked out for him because now...

He has also told my ex and his wife that he hates living with them

The stepmother is probably now either on a stepparent site somewhere, or in therapy, trying to keep sane.

tog redux's picture

Sounds like dad was the alienator in this case. My SS lied about us too. I don't think BM told him what to say exactly, but I do think she rewarded his lies. He told us that she told him that if he came to live with her, he could do whatever he wanted. At 11. Also, he watched her lie for his whole life.