ESMOD's Blog
I recently saw a meme that said "no one falls in love faster than a man who needs a place to stay" (though.. I think women can be guilty of that too..)
and, it really hit me that many times.. there are ulterior motives that people have when getting into a relationship.
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In the news.. Minnesota State Senator/aka 49 yo Stepdaughter burgler
Has anyone read the story about Minnesota state senator Nicole Mitchell.. arrested for breaking into her stepmother;'s house?
She claimed she was just trying to recover some of her dad's things.. and his ashes.. because the step mom stopped taking her calls.. so that's how she decided to resolve it.
Look.. that was your dad's wife.. Assuming he had a long loving relationship with his wife.. why are YOU entitled to the ashes.. he would have left anything he wanted you to have in the will... I wonder if she was an absentee daughter.. until she wanted things.
Semi-off topic "grandparenting"
So, my husband and I had a little debate the other day about grandparents and what their role should be with their grandkids.
At one end of the "what is normal spectrum" is my husband's opinion that the more normal situation involves very involved grandparents spending a lot of time with grandkids.. babysitting etc...
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Sometimes I think these things are just made up
I read an article posted on Yahoo home page. A woman is upset because her EX and his new wife are naming their child the same name that she had given their baby that she miscarried.
When "confronted".. the guy initially goes deer in the headlight.. like he didn't remember that was the name given to his dead baby.
Then.. he kind of acts like maybe it's honoring the dead baby.. and no.. he won't ask his new wife to change the name.. because it's her baby.. and his EX can't tell her what to do.
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Campfire Talks.. and steplife.
I was talking to a very wise woman the other day. She said that sometimes we need to be mindful of oversharing.. and understanding the context of sharing our lives.. our dramas etc... She was talking about her sister who has had a somewhat rocky relationship with her husband.. and who tends to overshare around the office water cooler with her ladies she works with...
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Step Wedding double standard?
I know we have a few of these wedding issues.. where (because we are mostly SM's).. we lament our exclusion.. or marginalization during these events.
BUT.. does anyone see it as a potential double standard that it's wrong to exclude a step parent from an invite to a wedding.. yet we also often see (future) step parents that want to exclude their skids (minor and/or adult) from THEIR weddings.
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End of Life Planning and Realities
A few things are making me think about this on behalf of my fellow steptalk community. My SIL (the one involved in chickengate that I was not talking to) died last Thursday due to end stage liver failure alcohol related. My BIL has known for some time that she was likely not going to live very long.. but they neglected to get any life insurance on her when it would have been possible through his open enrollment at his work.. he called my SD who works related to benefits at his company just a couple weeks ago when things looked imminent.. and she had to tell him.. sorry.. too late.
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Steplife drama and the missing tourist submarine
So, has anyone seen the drama about one of the billionaire's on that missing sub's stepson?
Apparently he went to a Blink 182 concert.. complete with smiling picture on social media and he is being kind of shamed for it.. like how could he do something "fun" while there is such a potentially tragic situation going on. He is trying to spin it that Blink 182's music has helped him through a lot in life.. etc.. but it isn't being shown as a good look haha.
But.. here is what people don't really get.
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Fingers crossed for a change of heart
As you all know my OSD was going down the road to divorce and my DH and I were in a position that had us agreeing to have her put a home on a piece of land we own. Lots of soul searching and concerns.. but in the end.. would be the best option.. maybe really her only option financially.
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This site has been helpful in more ways than one!
So.. I know we like to all vent on here... but i have found this site to actually be pretty helpful in learning (retroactively).. what should be in a good separation and custody agreement
I got to read OSD's agreement and I was able to comment and I think give some good suggestions.
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