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In the news.. Minnesota State Senator/aka 49 yo Stepdaughter burgler

ESMOD's picture

Has anyone read the story about Minnesota state senator Nicole Mitchell.. arrested for breaking into her stepmother;'s house?

She claimed she was just trying to recover some of her dad's things.. and his ashes.. because the step mom stopped taking her calls.. so that's how she decided to resolve it.


Look.. that was your dad's wife.. Assuming he had a long loving relationship with his wife.. why are YOU entitled to the ashes.. he would have left anything he wanted you to have in the will... I wonder if she was an absentee daughter.. until she wanted things.


advice.only2's picture

"Mitchell was found in the basement with a backpack nearby. The backpack contained two laptops, a cellphone, Tupperware and identifying documents for Mitchell.

The items Mitchell sought were "pictures, a flannel shirt, ashes, and other items of sentimental value," the complaint states.

Police questioned Mitchell about one of the laptops found in her bag, which, when turned on, had the stepmother's name on it. She said her stepmother had given it to her, which the stepmother denied."

Yeah sure she was looking for her "father's" items.


ESMOD's picture

What she was looking for was proof that somehow she was entitled to more than was given to her.. the secret will or something.  

ImperfectlyPerfect's picture

Yep. 100%

Rags's picture

Oh these spe-cial self annointed entitled kidult crotch nuggets are beyond comptemptable.

I cannot imagine having to deal with this shit. Too bad the SM did not invoke castle law doctrine and shoot the burglar. End of problem.


Lillywy00's picture

^exactly. With the prevalence of Disneyland dads who have no qualms overriding their marital bliss for their spawns...unless he was murdered by a conniving manipulator---> if that man wanted his daughter to have his ashes he would have made it happen 

Lol @ crotch nuggets *lol*

StepUltimate's picture

So. Freakin. ENTITLED!!

Winterglow's picture

Of course! It's obvious,  isn't it? That's why she was dressed like a cat burglar, in a home that belongs to someone who cut off communication with her months ago, at 4 in the morning. I wonder how the sock-adorned flashlight fits into her narrative?

ESMOD's picture

good lord.. I mean.. to be honest.. if she had just had some ashes and a flannel.. some childhood pics with her dad or something on her when they caught her.. I could sympathize just a bit potentially.

Because... there are stepparents that don't treat their stepkids well and refuse to part with anything.. even inconsequential.  I mean.. my dad and his brothers returned "home" to find the locks changed on the apartment and to papers drawn up by the stepmother's lawyers that they would agree to repay monies spent on their boarding school fees/tuitions as minors.  The majority of my grandfather's estate went to his wife.. who subsequently left it to her two bio sons.. my dad and his 3 brothers didn't get much at all.

And.. my dad still maintained an adult relationship with this woman and was close with my uncle (his half brother).. I guess he was able to get over and past that.. but if that had been me.. I would have been that stepkid that wanted to fight it.. after I got sent away to school to be out of her hair.. then she wanted ME to pay for it.. uhh no.  lol.

My dad was a budding lawyer in law school at the time.. he did tell his brothers not to sign.. and they didn't.. but sometimes people can be incredibly selfish.. as I think my stepgrandmother was.  

My uncle did send me a couple of paintings my grandfather painted.. but none of that 'generational wealth" he got came through to us either.. (my grandfather had been a surgeon.. in chicago.. they lived in one of the penthouses in a hotel there.. it was worth millions.. when my uncle got it.. along with all the other investments.. she was not a poor woman).

but.. hey.. no one is entitled to anything.. and I am glad I got the paintings and my uncle is a nice person.. but he has kids and grandkids and I'm sure he is looking out for them first.

Rags's picture

In that situation, I would be the Skid that contested every letter, punctuation mark, and micro-cent.  I would keep the estate locked up in litigation for as long as it took to bury the SParent.  After that, I would burn through every cent possible to force some equitable distribution.  I would rather everyone getting nothing than it be unfair.

Though that would never happen with my parents.  If either or both of my parents had remarried and had a second marriage worth of children, they would have made sure that it all went into trust to support their second mate and then been distributed equally between all of the half sibs following the demise of their second mate.

My parents have a Will splitting their estate equally between my brother and I upon their joint demise. Though they have been making adjustments regarding their home.  They want that to go to me and my DW.  My brother is very supportive of that.  Not that we need it, but ... mom and and dad want it to remain in the family.  My brother is exceptionally successful and would not want to live in mom and dad's home.  We appreciate that it is a multigenerational family home and would honor that while making it our home.

Rumplestiltskin's picture

Her latest defense is she was "checking on someone with dementia."

From her official statement:


“ I entered a home I have come and gone from countless times in the past 20 years, where my son even once had his own room. Unfortunately, I startled this close relative, exacerbating paranoia, and I was accused of stealing, which I absolutely deny.”


It sounds like this stepdemon is now trying to paint the stepmother as having dementia. After talking to her lawyers of course. I bet stepmom had enough of her coming and going after 20 years of it. 


The day she was caught:


Mitchell was wearing black clothing and a black hat when officers found her in the basement, according to the complaint. They found a flashlight with a sock on it and a black backpack nearby. The backpack contained two laptops, a cellphone, Tupperware and identifying documents for Mitchell.


Investigators said Mitchell told them her father had recently died and her stepmother wouldn't talk to Mitchell or other family members.

"I was just trying to get a couple of my dad's things because you wouldn't talk to me anymore," Mitchell said to her stepmother during her arrest, according to the complaint.

The items Mitchell sought were "pictures, a flannel shirt, ashes, and other items of sentimental value," the complaint states.

Mitchell allegedly gave the same motive to police, also saying she had "just gotten into the house."

"Clearly I'm not good at this," she said, according to investigators, adding, "I know I did something bad."

Winterglow's picture

I am particularly angered by the statement that she came and went in this house for 20 years as if that gives her permission to continue ad vitam aertenam. How dare she treat someone else's home like an open house?!

ESMOD's picture

"my son once had a room there"..

And?  so?  that doesn't mean he is a resident NOW.. and neither are YOU. 

Rumplestiltskin's picture

I wonder if the SD is trying to have SM declared mentally incompetent. Stealing her laptops could have been a way to get access to her medical records. Just a thought. A state senator probably wasn't stealing the computers to pawn them. 

ESMOD's picture

There are lots of options 

1.  She wanted the laptop to erase evidence the step mom had of the SD's abusive messages

2.  She was looking for proof the Stepmom had done something to her dad.. 

3.  She thinks that there is evidence that SHE the saintly daughter was really supposed to inherit it all.. and maybe the laptop belonged to her father at one point.. or she thought she could find that proof.

4.  Yeah.. proof that her SM is mentally slipping and "needing a conservator".. aka steal the money person.. 

Thumper's picture


Of course she blamed her Step Mom for her actions............. blah blah blahhhh


We had 'burglers" too. They learned that from BM.

Hope the book is thrown at this one though.