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Petty Annoyances

Dolphin's picture

So tell me steptalk.... What are some petty annoyances you have with your step situation? I will start It is supper annoying to me when FSD stops by when she is with her mother to pick up some stupid item she left and then raids our fridge and pantry like it's her last meal. I want to ask, " does your mother not have food and drink over there"??? :?


StepMomTaxi's picture

SK1 is 14.
Needs to be reminded to take a shower, put on deodorant, and change out of PJs EVERY SINGLE DAY or they won't do it.
Chews with mouth open CONSTANTLY.
Sniffles and sucks boogers in nose because doesn't know to blow their nose correctly.
Scrapes feet along ground when walking....pick up your damn feet!

Dolphin's picture

I understand the annoyance of the arrogant attitude.... FSD is constantly talking about other people at her school and how they act. I'm constantly telling her to stop before she has no friends lol I feel sorry for you guys that have to deal with basic hygiene and manners. :O that's ridiculous

Hopingforthebest's picture

Leaving like 1 gulp of juice/milk in container instead of putting it in sink.... same thing with ketchup container peanut butter basically anything he will leave the tiniest amt instead of throwing it out.... I've told him over and over so he either does it on purpose to annoy me or is just that lazy... Or he will empty out a huge amt of ketchup on his plate and then only use like a quarter of it and put it in sink like that....PETTY I know but it annoys the hell out of me!

mystifying_mint's picture

The popsicle issue. fss6 "if we clean our room can we have a popsicle? If were good can we have a popsicle? If if if popsicle popsicle popsicle" and always at inappropriate times too, such as 8 in the morning. Or after bath time right when they are supposed to be getting into bed.
Then the sulky whining when told no.
Fsd3 will just pee herself. In the bathroom. A foot away from the toilet. She also likes to poop in the tub while bathing but I do think ss encourages this.
Both fsd13&11 eat nothing but popcorn. Especially fsd11 who went through 5 bags in about 3 hours.(at least I dont have to cook)

JustAgirl42's picture

SD10 walking in on her dad in the bathroom whenever she feels like it, and him not locking the door to prevent this.

Not sure why this bothers me...just makes me feel 'icky'.

almost.ready's picture

1. When SDs would fight, the whole house suffered.
One time SD1 locked out SD2 in the garage. I heard the knocking and went to open the door, SD1 had the nerve to TELL ME not to open the door.
2. SD could not wait to open the fabric softener after I told her to use the opened one first! I smelt in on her clothes, she still lied!
3. All the lying that SDs do. Lie about things that are not even necessary! And then conveniently forget when asked about the situation!

furkidsforme's picture

SS16 skulking around the house with hunched shoulders and a sullen expression, making weird robot noises or singing the same line of a song over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over....... you get it.

Harleygurl's picture

^^THIS^^ How many times do I have to tell you "No! This, phone, ipad, etc., is expensive and I don't let ANYONE play with it!" I really mean that. I won't let my BS15 play with my ipad. Hey SS7, there's a reason your damn BM has been through so many phones? She treats them like shit and lets all of you kids destroy them!

GhostWhoCooksDinner's picture

SS14 having to be told what to do and when and how to do it every. Damn. Time.

"SS, have you looked at the clock? When is bedtime? Have you brushed your teeth? No? Then do it. Did you use soap and shampoo in the shower? Did you change your clothes?"

Everything with him is step by step by step. Every freaking day. He doesn't learn. And when we try to GET him to do it on his own, make him think for himself, guess what happens? Yup. Nothing.

It's flipping scary that this kid will be a legal adult is just over three years.

GhostWhoCooksDinner's picture

Oh, and him talking to himself in different voices and pretending to be video game or cartoon characters. Really? Dude, you're almost 15!

AngelOfMisery's picture

The use of shampoo and condioneer. I can make a large bottle of aussie last a month, when they get here it is used up in a week and one over conditions because the conditioneer will be gone before the shampoo.

They are teenagers now. I would think they would talk about their friends more and boys but no they talk about their mom more then anything. Are you serious? is mom your god or is she stuck up yer asses all the time.

Oh and I wish they would learn to turn off the light the room they left. Lights are on all over the house and no one is in that room. I could make up the next day and the kitchen and two living room lights , plus bathroom light is left on. DOH!!!!!!

Harleygurl's picture

The sucking up that SS7 does because it works with BM. I absolutely cannot stand hearing him say "Harleygurl, you are the best step mom ever! I love you so much!"

And I know what you all are thinking. Maybe the kid is being genuine. Trust me. He isn't. He either wants something or has ruined something. He doesn't say this stuff to his dad. But I have witnessed it enough with BM and his grandmothers that I know it is pure bullshit.

Tuff Noogies's picture

hmmm wow, lets see...

- waiting until the last damn minute- for everything.
- being to lazy to put stuff back when u've laid it SIX INCHES from where it was/goes
- poor manners (i blame BM for this- what parent skips teaching kids how to hold a fork or spit out toothpaste? oss-stb16 got this by watching and imitating others. mss-stb14 and yss10 are both still clueless.)
- "what if..." followed by the most abstract of questions. i'm all for curiosity and inquisitiveness, but yss just gets ridiculous!
- opening up new stuff w/o using already open stuff; also if/when they actually use all of something, dont leave damn empties all over the place

sadly, i think most of this stuff is just general kid stuff. only dh has NO follow-thru to actually teach them, so if i try to i'm fighting an uphill battle... *sigh*

milldog's picture

I'm not sure where to start...SD14 & SD12 have absolutely no chores..not even cleaning up after themselves. SD12 has the MOST annoying whiney voice that she pulls out whenever she doesn't get her way...and why shouldn't she use it, it works every time!! SD12 acting like she is 6 years younger than she is....her cereal has to be poured for her, tucked into bed like a little kid...walking around with a blankie and stuffed animal...wanting to sleep with us...I could go on and on with the childish behavior.