Marrying a Disney dad
I'm a 46(f) and I've been engaged to my partner (47m) for two years and together 3. We've known each other since high school.
I have a 10 year old daughter who I've raised solely since birth. Her biodad has never been in her life. I have been mom and dad for her whole life.
My fiancé has an 18 year old son and a 17 year old daughter. Their mother and I fortunately get along fine.
I hope I'm just overthinking things but maybe you'll give me advice/suggestions.
For the first two years every time my fiancé would bring his kids to my house (every other weekend) he'd show up with his beer, cigarettes and maybe some junk food for his kids. He would just assume I would provide their meals and they could just raid my fridge & pantry anytime they want something. I would already be providing them their own beds and linen which I would wash. And I have to feed two teenagers with huge appetites?! I felt used and taken for granted. They would sit around all day on their phones using my internet and helping them selves to my daughter's and my food. My stepson has the biggest potty mouth ever and he has terrible bathroom etiquette. Tons of toilet paper every time, clogging the toilet and just overall disgusting. I finally had to put my foot down and insist that he buy groceries before he bought his kids over. I can't seem to make him understand my boundaries with my belongings. I'm on a budget and I was raised to no have waste So naturally I would be annoyed when they kept taking my bottled water and had multiple forgotten bottles everywhere with maybe one or two sips out of them. He doesn't see a problem with them helping them selves to my things with out asking. I'm tired of the "I'll replace it " because he always forgets and I'm with out whatever they took/ate.
I worry that his Disney dad approach and their behaviour will influence my 10 year old who also has autism. My home is my sanctuary and I can't help but cringe a little when it's his weekend. I'm tired of having to turn up my tv to hear over his daughter's tik tok.
The good news if you have
The good news if you have identified all the red flags before you married this man, so you can still opt out. Love is never enough.
So he brings his kids to your
So he brings his kids to your home so you can cover the costs AND do his job of parenting? HELL NO!
This is your home and you have every right to tell them to keep out of your pantry and fridge, that all drinks other than tapwater are off limits. Tell them to clean up after themselves! If your partner isn't happy about things he can take them elsewhere. You know what? Save yourself a lot of trouble and tell him to keep them somewhere else on his visitation time because, after all, visitation is for them to spend time with their father, not to be babysat by dad's girlfriend, right? Imagine how relaxing those weekends could be ...
Cha ching
I won't address the behavior issues but its time for Disney Dad to pony up much more $. Groceries, replacement, extra cleaning, etc.
Have you ever bluntly told
Have you ever bluntly told him... "you say you will parent these kids.. you don't.. you say you will replace or repay me.. you don't.. why should I believe anything you say when actions never meet words"
I personally would cut someone off that is using me like this.. and that is clearly what he is doing.
Re-read your original post
Re-read your original post above with the perspective of providing advice to the person who wrote it.
Then do that.
Which is not unclear nor is it complicated. Purge this user and his failed family baggage from your life and the life of your young daugther.
And do it now.
What a great idea.
What a great idea.
Just leave all day on the
Just leave all day on the weekends and buy groceries after they leave. This way (since he pretends not to understand your desires for a peaceful home) he is now forced to provide entertainment and meals for them. Charge him $xxx amount for a weekly cleaning crew to come through after they leave each weekend.
Sometimes people have to learn the hard way.
Also based on your post it sounds like you let him move in to your home and import his kids.
Firstly, in the future never allow men to move in to your home (especially if theyre bringing a crew of people/dependents with them too). If things go south instead of walking away your tenant has rights and could end up a squatter nightmare.
If you chose to ignore this tip then it's imperative to discuss on the front end the expectations of said living arrangements in order to preserve your peace and sanity in your home.
Get $ from him
Stop with I will replace it. Tell him he is going to buy it before, not after. Try to figure out how much food/ materials/ internet. His kids use. 8 days a month. 30 days in a month. 1/5 of the month 20%. As get a additional 20% on internet. He pays 60 % of internet you 40%
Set up rules for the house. Who clogs the toilet unclogged it and cleans up Every family member has a Job including your bio DD.
Does your fiancé live with
Does your fiancé live with you? Your post wasn't clear. CIf he doesn't then I would suggest he keeps is kids at his place when he has them. If you want to spend time with him you can go over for dinner or whatever but these (nearly) adult kids don't need to be staying in your house every other weekend if he has a place of his own.
I really hope he has his own
I really hope he has his own place...
Do not marry this hobosexual.
He is raising his kids on junk food, cigarettes and uses screens as a replacement for parenting? AND he expects you to cook and clean for them while they're desecrating your home, your safest place in the whole world? He's looking for a wife appliance, not for a partner to love. You need someone who'll slay dragons for you.
I always tell young people
I always tell young people "the best you're partner will ever treat you is in the first year if your relationship . It won't necessarily get worse, but it 100% won't get better".
If this is the honeymoon period, what will the relationship be like?