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Beating a Dead Horse

Dolphin's picture

I know that I'm completely beating a dead horse but I can't help it! It pisses me off that my FDH ex wife can play the "broke card" all the fucking time but FSD comes skipping over last night with her hair done from the beauty salon. Who does that???? Who complains and cries about paying for basic items and then goes to the beauty salon like its a necessity? So annoying because then FSD comes to our house and wants us to pay for everything because " mom said she doesn't have any money"... we get to be the responsible adults and pay for extracurricular activities ....Ugh! Sorry early morning Saturday rant!


Anon2009's picture

I know it sucks but try to look at it this way-at least she spent $$$ on sd even if it was a salon visit.

Dolphin's picture

You have a good point and it is something that FSD enjoys alot but I wonder what kind of example that shows? To me it's completely irresponsible ... This is the same women that could not afford school supplies and under garments. I guess I need not to worry about things I can't change.

Dolphin's picture

$185 for shampoo?? Wow! What is in it? Lol I think they like buying the "fun" stuff and leave us to pay all the necessary items. BM will take FSD on shopping sprees and buys crap that she doesn't need like nail polish and leopard print pants ...

Justme54's picture

It is Wen. I have tried it. It is too heavy. It might be good, if you have super super dry hair. It did not work for me. I am all for buy in bulk but a gallon of shampoo. Well, that is just stupid. I have had hairdressers tell me should switch shampoo at times.
If you want a good shampoo, use one that is with zerosulfate. They will be using that shampoo for years. LOL!

tryingmom's picture

I use WEN and it's great. I can't use as much as they say but my hair is great because of it.

I'm afraid that your situation is one we'll be in a few years, BM is always "broke" for the skids necessities but can spend money on junk. Skids come over asking for stuff because BM is broke. Age old story, CS is her paycheck, not meant for the skids.

Dolphin's picture

I would be fine saying that but my FDH wouldn't be able to say no. BM knows he's like that... I think that's part of the reason she does dumb stuff like that...