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Doesnteatcrow's Blog

Why do I even try?

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My ss12 is wheelchair bound with an autism dx. They took away the autism dx and told us he was "retarded" not on the spectrum right before Xmas. Hello, maybe he is not autistic but they told us we need to treat him like a 6 year old with anxiety issues? So we can put him on a wait list to put him in "play therapy" with 6 year olds 25 miles away in a major metro area away?

BM was asked if she was my mother!!!

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My husband is the soccer coach for SS9's select soccer league and our indoor season started last week. Well, DH usually does all of the driving for soccer regardless of what night it is. BM comes to games if they fall on her weekend but doesn't come to parent meetings and usually is not there for games if it is not her day. SS12 is handicapped and needs a medical procedure done every night that takes about 1.5 hours. We have nurses at our house to do it everynight but she has fired all of them and does it herself.
