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Check this out!!!

Disneyfan's picture

Someone is this guy's inner circle should have told him not to claim that prize. If I were in that situation, I would have had my son, mom or sister claim the prize then gift it to me after the divorce was final.


tog redux's picture

I heard he also now has to pay like $7000 a month in child support, because he's so wealthy. 

They say that winning the lottery often brings about disaster, and this is good example of it.

thinkthrice's picture

it's not?  thank god he wasn't married to YOU!

HowLongIsForever's picture

I don't know what kind of case a difficult ex could make re: hidden assets with intentionally delayed or re-routed lottery winnings.  But a hidden assets battle is definitely something worth avoiding. 

I suppose if your otherwise non-complex separation/divorce had been contentious enough to drag out several years it would be a safe assumption that any notable amount of money would be on everyone's radar.

She's entitled on a technicality, it's the nature of the beast.  That she is the type of person to leverage that technicality speaks volumes.  Money is an amplifier, it'll highlight whichever qualities you nurture, including the ugly ones.