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Disneyfan's Blog


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This morning as I entered my classroom, my phone rang.  I assumed it was a parent calling about one of my students.  When I looked at the phone, I saw that it was a friend of mine.  I ten thought she was calling with bad news about her husband.  I was wrong on both accounts. 

When I aswered, she asked me if I had spoken to my ex.  She then asked if I had seen he cousin's (ex's best friend) post on facebook this morning.  I hung up and checked the friend's facebook.  I then called ex's sister.  Through tears, she told me that he had died this morning. 

Child Support

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After reading Katielee's blog to DF,he said something that got me thinking about many of the back to school posts here. He said the BM was smart to get Katielee's husband to agree to her paying tuition instead of CS. He said he would rather spend X amount each year on his girls (clothes, food, college fund, sports, summer camp, mani, pedi....)instead of having the money go to BM.
