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cc01's Blog

STFUParents Blog...a little something to brighten everyone's Thursday!!!

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On here, you will find a lot of humor in parenting.

I'm sure you can recognize crazy BM behavior in some of these stories, like,


(found this link on the STFUParent's website)

Breakthrough?? BM decides to stop talking to my SO- HAPPY about that, but a little puzzled...

cc01's picture

Well, as of Friday, the bm has decided to stop talking to my SO.
She will not answer the phone if he calls for his daughter. She makes her bf answer.
If she has anything to tell my SO about the SD, she will get her bf to call, and play secretary.
When we had SD this past weekend, every time she called her mom using SO's cell, the bf would answer, not the bm.

Ummm....ok....I am kinda in the middle about this one.

Disney. A trip for the kids that made the BM trip **UPDATE**

cc01's picture

So last night, my bf and I talk Disney again. I press for him to stand up for his daughter and bring the trip up to the bm again.
Here's how some of the convo went (over texting)

My BF- I take real good care of her. I buy her everything she needs. I take her out and do stuff. When you ask me to get her whatever, I get it. I think that I pay, and do my fair share and that should give me my fair share of decisions too.

Don't kill 'em with kindness. Kill 'em with NEUTRALITY- advice for dealing with crazy BMs

cc01's picture

So, my last blog entry about the BM and the whole facebook drama thing blah blah blah....this is a continuation of it....

I tried giving the bm a chance (even though deep down, my gut told me DON'T TRUST HER). Of course, I was right about that.

When her little facebook game started, she would post things that were clearly directed towards me. When I saw that, I was disgusted! She acted like she just wanted to be friends, and get to know me beause I would be in her daughter's life...and I have nothing to hide.

Disney. A trip for the kids that made the BM trip

cc01's picture

So the bf and I talk Disney. How fun it would be for all of us to go. We talk about where we are with the things we have, and what we need, and if we have the extra cash to plan a trip. We decide that it would be an amazing thing to do for the little ones. We talk about going right before Christmas, maybe a week or 2 before (there's no way the bm would let us take daughter ON christmas)