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cat1964's Blog

Again with the pants.

cat1964's picture

So, SD11 still swears she did not take pants out of trash, now blaming a neighbor for doing it and saying I saw her in pants 2 days before and told her keep the pants. Not only is she trying to make me to look like liar, now she wants me to look crazy, too. Even though I have disengaged from her almost 4 weeks ago, now I know positively she is just exactly like her mother. I have no place to go or I would have left last night, I was so angry I almost had a stroke. I want her to go away, I can't help her anymore, her father obviously does not know what to do with her.

Lying, is it phase or is she like BM.

cat1964's picture

In one of my blogs about 2 weeks ago,I told about how my SD11 did not get to go to a football game at school, so later that weekend I discovered she had wrote on a brand new pair of jeans graffiti-style,why? She said she did it out of "boredom", I knew it was because she did not get to go to game, she was reprimanded and punished. I threw the pants away in the city receptacle. Yesterday, I see she is wearing the jeans and asked how and why she retrieved them from the garbage, she denied doing it.


cat1964's picture

BM made SD11 a facebook account (we told her she was not old enough for one) and we found out, let the child know and SD told BM, supposedly BM deleted the account. Is there any way to find out if there was an account? How? Mother trying to be friend strikes again, its like saying to predators "Come get my daughter". Stupid f***ing witch!!!!

Football game

cat1964's picture

Well, SD11 asks father if she can go to Jr. high football game on Friday night, the game was Saturday morning. He says no he has to work. She ask can she walk to school and go by herself. WTF, are you kidding me, child thinks she's grown. Anyway,the game started a 8 AM and there was no one else willing to take her. Since I have disengaged I did not offer. Sad thing, I would have enjoyed going, but why should I change so she can get what she wants. Maybe she will start thinking now!!!!


cat1964's picture

Why is it that people can't believe children (step-children) can be very manipulative and conniving, especially if the BM is this way? My SO always says "oh she's not that smart or that evil to something like that". He needs to find out want the humans hierarchy of needs are in a normal, well adjusted human, he might be surprised!


cat1964's picture

So, I have disengaged from SD11,which means I'm not going to say or do anything about it, but this morning she gets up and opens bedroom door (her room is across the landing from ours) and out comes the smell of piss, not the I just pissed my bed last night smell of piss, but 2 days worth that has dried and been done again. Before anything is said about an 11 yr old still wetting the bed, she has been seen by a doctor and it is simple she cannot wake herself up in time to go and yes, we have done it all, punishment, treatments, helping and incentives.


cat1964's picture

:? I have truly considered disengaging from SD11, but how does this play out when SS goes to judge and is asked about our relationship? I finally got my SO to put his foot down, but she still following her mother's (I believe) orders!
