CaptainD's Blog
Not even a text from either sd13 or ss16.
The fact that I'm due with my first child any day now does pacify my feelings a bit...
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kind of long i really need to talk to someone
I don't know how to start.
I honestly don't know who is at fault for how my marriage is turning out.
I know I have done things/said things that were wrong. But I also know he has, too. He just doesn't think he has. It seems like.... he thinks that because he has kids, everything he does is justified.
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cant wait till SD no longer wants to visit
so yesterday I was becoming very annoyed with my SD13... she wasnt doing anything that bad, but I was getting tired of her NEVER washing her hands before she opened the fridge/got into the cookies, etc. I have to tell her every single time. DO NOT tell me that "is what 13 year olds do" BULLSHIT are you telling me her memory does not work? anyway....not the point.
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o/t giving birth
Uhhmm... scary!
I've been watching "one born every minute" and my jaw is on the floor. I've been told this is a horrible show to watch and giving birth isn't as bad.
I am planning on having NO drugs (no pitocin or epidural) but I am having the baby in a hospital with an MD....and I've heard a lot of women are heavily pressured to do these things.
Anybody have advice for me on how to achieve my goal, and also.... any words of comfort about the natural childbirth process would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks guys!
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O/T pregnancy/ work vent
My employer/manager calls me into her office today to talk about maternity leave. Nice conversation, then she starts with "and one more thing id like to bring up...."
Apparently "several" ppl at work have made comments that I'm "not my usual bubbly self" lately, and what's wrong with me? I'm not the "go getter" that I usually am....
I'm 6 months pregnant!! I feel tired as hell most the time, and I'm on my feet most of the day. Sorry guys, that I'm not "happy" enough for you lately.
I responded that I would try to be more "myself"...
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o/t community property, anyone with knowledge of the law please read!
So this blog was inspired by the "if dh died" blog
If anyone knows the answer to this question please tell me.
I live in washington. Washington is a community property state.
Dh bought our house 2 months before he met me (7 years ago). We have been married for 2.5 years.
o/t pregnancy is pissing me off. men, you might want to skip this post
I think I have developed every pregnancy symptom one can possibly have. The latest? Hemmorhoids! Awesome!
Sorry I needed to complain, and facebook isn't anonymous...
may i just say..
The fighter is an awesome movie, and mark wahlberg is gorgeous, as always.
And somehow christian bale is still hotttt, even as a skinny crackhead.
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well hubby did come back Friday night. Left with his daughter again Saturday morning. I called him around 1 he said he wasn't coming home, and to leave him alone.
Its Sunday 11 am .....haven't called him since he wants me to leave him alone. I dunno...
Came thisclose to calling him, but, if divorce is what's coming, I better get used to not seeing/talking to him.
I'm very sad right now, but I can't see myself shoving all my emotions down and sucking it up, just to be with him.
Oh yeah, I'm 5 months pregnant, so that makes it more complicated.
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Im not new, just a new screen name
Do people on this website really type their TRUE feelings?
I know I haven't in the past. My resentment and jealousy go way deeper than what I've admitted to.
My husband and I got in an enormous fight tonight. He broke our bed frame, and threw a beer against a wall. And left. I think he took his daughter with him.... I'm in the basement, so I'm not sure... but I'd guess he did, because I asked him to.
She hasn't done anything wrong.
Besides talking about her mother, all....the....time.
But she only does it because she lives with her mom 95% of her life.
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