buttercookie's Blog
He's learning I'm not stupid
Oldest SS (the one who wouldn't pay his partial phone bill) has been coming around wanting us to put a $2000 laptop on our credit card and he will make payments. yeah right he wants us to buy him one. He didn't even pay his cell bill on time and we only charged him a portion. Well he got mad at me when I told him he needs to sell his car because obviously its costing him too much he can't afford his other wants. He did end up buying his own laptop at Best Buy for $700 and is sulking about it because he "gasp* had to pay for it himself.
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OT/Kmart gives unemployed discount
click link above Kmart gives discount on some merchandise for unemployed. I think this is awesome and may help some.
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OT-Got the job.
I'm so excited I've been off work since Jan 27 of this year. I applied for and interviewed for a job and have had 2 additional phone interviews, looks promising. Cross your fingers for me It's a pay cut from what I had but not too much of one and in an entirely different field than I was in.
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phone payment-update
SS texted DH that he'd bring his phone payment by on Monday, it's tuesday and no payment. I guess I shouldn't be suprised he didn't say what monday he'd bring it by probably some monday in 2012 :sick: Saturday the week will be up and the phone is going off, He was told last saturday and I'm not sending him any reminders this is the same thing AT&T would do if someone didn't pay their bill except AT&T would have shut it off months ago.
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Update on SS's Cell phone
Husband and I agreed that if SS didn't pay the agreed upon portion of his cell bill (not even the full amount of the bill) on time we were going to suspend the phone and/or shut it off.
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Reporting underage children on FACEBOOK. fyi
Use this link http://www.facebook.com/help/contact.php?show_form=underage instead of using the report/block person link in their profile. The normal link in their profile does not allow for underage reporting and is too be used for harrassing or offensive behavior.
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Another thing SS costed us and stole from us
A few years ago both husband and Oldest SS took their stock air cleaners off their trucks. Husband kept his, SS threw his out since he "was never going to need it again". They put K & N filter systems on their trucks. Well SS took his K and N filter system off his truck when he traded it in on the mustang he bought. He put my husbands stock air system on his truck he traded in. Husband is having issues with his truck and went to put the stock air filter system back on, Guess What? It's missing because oldest SS stole it.
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Free ride is over.
November 2009 we added oldest SS to my cell phone plan so he could get an iphone. Deal was he paid $40 to us every month on or before the 15th. His bill actually costs us over $60 but we weren't going to split hairs. We wanted to help him get on his feet and get a phone. Every month he tries to dodge paying the bill yet he goes out drinking all the time and posts on FB, he buys himself expensive clothes and just bought himself a brand new Mustang.
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The huge paint chip
I discussed the excessive car washing with my husband and he agrees that Oldest SS won't be washing his car here every other day. In the beginning Husband automatically said "I'll tell him he you don't want him washing his car here at all" I told husband that's fine if thats what he wants to do but that is not what I said. I told him that is making me out to be the bad guy and he's trying to send me on a guilt trip, fine by me.
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Oldest SS has started bringing his car over to wash every other day. Now I don't mind if he washes his car here once in a while or even once a week, maybe twice if the weather turned out bad but we can't afford the water for every other day. Oldest SS is pretty good otherwise but I find this annoying esp. since H used the term it was "NO BIG DEAL" OMG those words set me off and bring flash backs of me being forced to endure youngest SS's bad behavior and campaign of hate.
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