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bundtcake1234's picture

Dh passed from covid this year. My 16 ss could have cared less he was always evil sociopath. He was laughing on phone to his friends about his father being in hospital on life support. Very quickly he was threatening me with running away and taking my husband's vehicle. I solicited help from my husband's family. They tried to take him and speak to him but the little sociopath had other plans. Very quickly problems arose as in he broke into our home because he was locked out accidentally broke things. Threw constant fits about wanting to leave.

My mother came out and kid went bonkers yelling at me that I killed my husband and to call police because he was done living with me. It was 1am and I succumbed and called the police. They came out and the kid made up that I scratched him. He scratched himself. The police tried to take me to jail despite my mom being there and telling them she did not touch him.

Now I've got the police, dss, cps, calling me child abuser following me around watching me. Where are my rights. Why can't I tell this sociopath brat he killed his father because he should have never been living with us in the first place. And why didn't he leave because he always hated us. He was supposed to have been but in juvenile hall a year ago and if he was my husband would still be here but I'm the bad guy. I always tried to save my husband from them but in the end I lost everything anyways.


SteppedOut's picture

Why is he still living with you anyway? Send him off to family... he is not your problem.

bundtcake1234's picture

They tried to say state I live in has a law that makes me his guardian. Does that make sense because it doesn't to me?

I did tt a family lawyer and they didn't know anything. They just advised me to do nothing and they would leave me alone but I'm getting charged with child abuse which lawyer said probably won't effect me anyways.

Merry's picture

I'm sorry about your DH. It sounds miserable.

Why is SS still living with you? Your DH had an obligation to him, but you do not.

tog redux's picture

I'm so sorry about your DH. Call CPS yourself and turn your SS over to their care, you have no legal obligation to care for him.

bundtcake1234's picture

He was removed from me by them. He's now living with total strangers because that's what that child wants. See he can't pull his stuff on family but strangers is ok for him.

LittleCloud9's picture

I'm sorry for your loss. Take care of yourself and send that kid somewhere else, you are not responsible for him. His family can take him or cps can

bundtcake1234's picture

Thank you

Unfortunately that is not how it was they act like I am legally responsible for him and no one in the family would even take him because deep down they know the truth that that kids too much trouble.

EveryoneLies's picture

Really Sorry for your lost..this sounds like a very trying time and the situation must be beyond frustrating for you.

I don't really know how CPS works..but I thought they'd be taking your SS to "somewhere safe" (eyeroll) since he's in such a "dangerous" environment...why did they end up following you around?! That's so absurd.

bundtcake1234's picture

Social services followed my husband for years when the other ss decided he wanted better, richer, nicer family and was taken away so I assume.