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its my birthday

bundtcake1234's picture

Today is my 49th birthday and my terrorist SS came home and started in on me about selling his used too small tennis shoes on the community website, which by the way is a website entirely based on people selling used clothes and shoes. Telling me that they are his and I have no right to sell them. He paid for them and he did not which does not even matter. Then he was telling me everything we did over the last couple of days because the terrorist group here in the town we live ininform him of our every move. Frankly, I was trying to give them away so I did not have to toss them. But the conversation turned to yelling and someone called the police on me because yelling is not allowed here. And turns out it was this guy’s who is running a ban saw outside, like really your making too much noise?! It’s like not a day goes by without the police involved in my life, what am I doing wrong?


tog redux's picture

I would immediately walk away from any conversation with SS that turned in a negative direction, and lock myself in my room.

Happy Birthday, anyway.

notarelative's picture

SS is 15 (according to previous posts). While I might try to sell something too small that belonged to a toddler, I would not if it belonged to a 15 year old. No matter who bought the shoes originally, they are his. Unless you bought the shoes and said SS wear these until they are too small, they are his shoes.

If not a day goes by without police involvement, you might want to consider moving and ending the relationship. That is a very stressful way to live.

Hope tomorrow is a better day.

Sandybeaches's picture

Sorry you had to have drama on your birthday!!