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I just overheard my parenting being undermined

Brolynbub's picture

Ok, so DP is a bit inebriated at moment and we had another argument because he has complained about my son asking to go to sleep in my bed sometimes and then tonight after the usual bedtime drama...he puts the SS in our bed. I've gone in to go to the loo and SS and DP are chatting in there. Apparently my son had a great idea and so SS should get to sleep in there...despite me saying no to my son.
When he came out later, I said to him how is it that my son is perfect at bedtime, yet he gets no privileges, but yours is a turd and he gets to sleep in our bed? Then DP starts ranting at me for saying his son is a turd... :? Which possibly was not my finest moment, and I go past my room later to hear DP saying to SS that "even though she says you are a turd, I think it's completely fine, it doesn't worry me". Hmm, so let's tell ur son that someone called him a turd and then let's say don't listen to the rules, it's only what she thinks...grrr.
And yes, I'm well aware that I am at fault for saying his son was a pain in my butt at bedtime!


overworkedmom's picture

Screw that. If the kid was a turd, the kid was a turd. I called my SS a disrespectful pain in the butt- to his face in front of DH this morning. I am bitchy enough though that I would have kicked them both out of the bed. It's mine, I paid for it- they can go snuggle up all they want in SS's bed.

Willow2010's picture

Ok so this is what I see....your son is getting left are having to sleep with SS...your SO is disrespecting you and your kid....your SO is apparently a drinker to the point of inebriation.

Is this really what you signed up for?