bribaby1105's Blog
So, here goes nothing!!
It's been a few months since my last blog post, so let me bring you up to speed. Since January/February, SD11 has been asking if she can move in the us; she is very unhappy at her mothers. We have 50/50 legal and physical custody with a CO. In late May/early June, BM began dating someone. SD11 liked him at first, but she says "he's worn out his welcome" Apparently he is ALWAYS spending the night (and they are ALL in the same room!! BM, SD11, BM's daughter 3yr, and BF; they live with BM's father in a 2bdrm apt).
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SD wants to live with us, FULL Time!
So, it's been a very long time since I have been on here. Mainly because we now have a court order, and for a while, things were running smoothly. Don't get me wrong, we still have our issues here and there, but I am now able to keep the peace. Yes, I said ME! I have somehow become the mediator between my husband and BM. In fact, two weeks ago BM was calling me yelling about DH, DH was beeping in to yell about BM; it gets exhausting. However, she actually will listen to me over DH, so I am dealing with it. Now, onto the topic of the moment.
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Should BM, me, and DH all have a meeting?
Let me give a brief (as brief as I can) history. A little over 2 months ago I went to pick up my SD10 as I always do. Well, usually I call her and let her know I am out front. This particular day BM comes out and voices her "concerns". For example, SD10 had a picninc at school and needed a packed lunch (she usually buys). She informed me of this as we were literally walking out of the front door to go to school. She said that she wasn't sure if she really needed it and she was gonna call BM. Well, BM didn't know either and called the school.
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We pick her up tomorrow...
So I posted a few days ago about my manipulative step daughter. For as long as I can remember we have had problems with her playing my husband and me against her mother. So, on saturday, once again, we got another phonecall from BM where my SD10 told her that I was talking about the BM. (this happened the day after we returned from a week long vacation at the beach with SD10) We RARELY even bring BM up, and all I can think of is that she may have overheard a coversation my husband and I were having.
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Manipulating step daughter
So this is my first time posting, and I could sure use some advice. PLEASE HELP!
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