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borrowedtime83's Blog

My idiotic EX and the "apple" he came from, EXMIL

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This could be an incredibly long story, but I will make it snappier. EXMIL and EX are supposed to "share" a weekend visit every 3 weeks. This is due to them not following rules, and the judge took away one visit per month, hence the E3W. EXMIL is supposed to have "grandparent time" on Sat. and take BD6 to the safety center for supervised visits on Sun. But, she is still just handing BD6 over to dad and "New GF".

BM is now an "entrepreneur"...lmao!

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I was minding my own business on FB last night and got my usual advertisements telling me about pages or businesses that I might "like" and came across one with BM's name on it. Out of curiosity I clicked on it, and lo and behold BM is selling crap on FB. Homemade hair clips to be exact. So you moved away from your job, it conveniently "burned down" in the interim, and now you are selling crappy, ugly, hair clips that I would not clip to the rear end of the blind senile dog that lives next door and calling that a business. Ok, then.

It's the annoying, mean, b&tc%y, worthless wheel that gets the grease, apparently...

borrowedtime83's picture

And that would be BM. It must be so nice to be able to still have your ex-husband by the short and curlies and have him do your bidding within a 5 second yelp of your harpy voice. We are still on this BS about him driving back and forth to BM new house (over an hour away from her old place) pretty much EVERY Sunday evening to pick up SD8 because she feels she is entitled to it, and she shouldn't have to "waste" her gas and have to bundle up her 2 other crotch droppings to meet halfway. I am so tired of her crap!

Selective Parenting?

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I have been struggling with this concept, or lack thereof, in regards to SD8. I can't really disengage, since she lives here 70% or more, and what she does while here affects me and my family. SO and I had a big blowup about 6 weeks ago about him thinking that I "don't care about SD, don't like SD, don't spend time with SD..."etc. So I had been making more of an effort when it occured to me that I am only supposed to be "mom" when it's convenient or welcomed.

SD has been annoying since she got home from BM house

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She started off by coming home wearing slippers, not shoes, so she has no shoes for the whole week, lucky she has no school I guess. Than at dinner, the precious lil goldilocks was whining about how her potatoes were "too hot", when everyone else was eating them. The next morning she accused BD of stealing her keys, which for the record don't open anything, and she left them in BD room. Then she yelled at SO about it and slammed the door on the way out the door. After I got home from work she went in BD room and found the keys, showed them to SO and said "SEE?

Mattress Mayhem

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So we have been trying to set up an essentially a guest area, mainly for a junior high aged relative. I have been trying to decide the most economical way to get a bed in this place before the holidays, and we finally went mattress shopping today. After going to a few places and discussing the beds we already have and places we shopped before we started talking about the bunk bed we got for our girls when we lived in a 2 BR condo. When we moved into our house 2 years ago, SD8 got the bunk bed in her room, AND was given the "better" mattress.

SD and SO might have learned a lesson...

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So, after having issues with SD and her poop grenade undies, I spoke to her father. When that failed I spoke to her and told her I would no longer be touching/washing anything covered in brown fecal matter. She then tried hiding them in her room and sneaking them into the laundry bin. I took them back to her room and put them on her doorknob. She let them sit in her room for over 2 weeks festering. Then she decided to not put any laundry down the chute for about 2 weeks. Seriously. I was washing maybe 2 shirts and a pair of pants and she is here like 5 days a week.

BM Rant

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So now, since the Sperm Wench hurled some accusations and made some threats about taking custody, now we have regressed to almost 4 years ago where her ass was being kissed all the time due to her ability to contest the divorce decree. I am *beyond* pissed about this. SO drove out to her house not once, but TWICE since her move 3 weeks ago. She met him halfway last wk, but it was because she needed to go to Wal-Mart. Asshat...

How convenient to throw all the blame at one person

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Last night when SO finally came home with skid, he tells me that now BM is planning to take custody of skid away due to her saying that "BT doesn't LIIIIIKE MEEEEEEE!" all the time, and saying that she doesn't want to come home, and that too much time and attention gets spent on my kids and not her. WTF? I admit that I don't engage her, and I keep to myself and deal with my kids problems and activities. I stopped trying with her after she sabotaged every effort I made to be nice, so I fully admit my piece in it, but I don't agree that I should accept full blame on it.
