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BM Rant

borrowedtime83's picture

So now, since the Sperm Wench hurled some accusations and made some threats about taking custody, now we have regressed to almost 4 years ago where her ass was being kissed all the time due to her ability to contest the divorce decree. I am *beyond* pissed about this. SO drove out to her house not once, but TWICE since her move 3 weeks ago. She met him halfway last wk, but it was because she needed to go to Wal-Mart. Asshat...
Secondly, she is now conditioning SD to think that we are bad parents for not spending enough time with her. The only thing really standing in the way of that is her attitude, and the fact we both work full-time and have household responsibilities. SHE sits on her giant ass all day long, mostly sleeping and spending money she didn't earn whether it be her boy toys or welfare. Her 2 kids that live with her are often neglected, or SD watches them when she is over. I think its bull that she thinks she is a "better" mom because she is home all day.


LRP75's picture

do we have the same BM to contend with...?????

BM over here went on this long rant about how many freaking sacrifices she makes to be a SAHM, blah, blah, blah. Yeah? You think being a SAHM is hard? Try being the one who has to get up for work at 4am every day to go earn the paycheck/taxes that pays your fucking welfare.

borrowedtime83's picture

Exactly! When SO asked if she could maybe pay for at least one day of childcare per week, her excuse was she didn't need the daycare, SO did because she didn't work therefore didn't need to contribute to the childcare expense. Well, ya are the main reason it's needed! Since YOU are not caring for her.