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The Son- Hulu

Booboobear's picture

I found this series on Hulu called the sun.  SECOND SEASON like episode 4 or something.....

Bear with me on this analogy......

Old Eli catches a person responsible for murdering 30 of his cows, and pushes him into a hole and tosses a bit of dirt in to get him panicking. 

Old Eli tells the how murderer how they handled it in his upbringing in the Indian tribe, they buried them up to the neck and cut off the eyelids and let them sit out until they went blind. 

Old Eli says: "We didn't want to kill them, We just wanted to kill their spirit." 


This is what some EX SPOUSES and STEPCHILDREN and ADULT STEPCHILDREN and INLAWS want to do to us, 

they want to "KILL OUR SPIRIT". 

when we leave their mess of an existence, they resent our relief from being out of their presence and they want to "KILL OUR SPIRIT" 

with all of their nonsense and abuse. 

I just want you to be aware of this and take Old Eli's message to heart and so something for yourself once in a while!!

.......Take a message from the movie:  THE GRINCH.......... "JAZZERCISE!! I CAN'T CANCEL THAT AGAIN!!"










justmakingthebest's picture

I Love that series!!! 

Yes, that is all some of these exes want. To kill our spouses and our spirit.

Aniki-Moderator's picture


This is also what abusers want to do to their victims - kill their spirit so they STAY and keep allowing the abuser to abuse. 

ESMOD's picture

From a lot I read on here... it's our SO's that want to kill our spirit.. so we will take on their mess of a child.

Booboobear's picture

sometimes I feel like there are some certain members on here who want to kill the spirit of new stepparents so they can act out their first family fantasy, where the step parent leaves the first family forever. 

Aniki-Moderator's picture
