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on here satisfy my smart a$$ comments

Booboobear's picture

Dh makes his thanksgiving call to his mom and tells her about the pantry shelves he designed and I painted and stocked.  He sends photos of the progress and final result with all the foods on the shelves.  MIL texts back " I see you have a helper, cute!"  DH reads her message to me all happy thinking his mom is being nice to me.   HA!  I wish I was as oblivious as DH.  

MIL is the one who hates my brown face & short body treats me like the maid married the tall white guy.  MIL always calls me "Girl"  criticizes everything I do and accuses me of things I didn't do or say.  "I see you have a helper, cute!' is translated to  "I see your still with your helper maid 25 years later, and shes only cute because shes half the size of a real woman."  

I don't want to ruin my DH's thanksgiving due to his blindness to thinly veiled insults. 

thats my smart a$$ commentary on the subject. Happy thanksgiving my friends and thanks for absorbing my sarcasm. 


JRI's picture

That's what we are here for, Booboo. Rant away.  Happy Thanksgiving!

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Gads. I'd be tempted to respond in kind every time she called me "Girl". Old lady, granny, old bat...

Happy Thanksgiving, booboo!

Stepdrama2020's picture

What a f*cking battleaxe. Yea I can think of a few names for her, Prune face would be the kindest one. The rest is not G rated. 

Happy thanksgiving


DPW's picture

"Girl"? I'd bark back that I haven't been a girl in 30 years next time she called me that; how condescending. 

Catmom024's picture

What a bitch.  Makes me glad I stopped speaking to my SO's battle axe mother.  You're a better person than I am.

thinkthrice's picture

OP responds back: "well I don't get my estrogen from a bottle, if that's your benchmark."

TheAccidentalSM's picture

She sounds like a more unpleasant version of my MIL.  I have a word for it - she is very passremarkable.  ie she is always passing cutting remarks about me.

CLove's picture

LOL, but your sense of humor is awesome. How are you doing these days? Youve been through the wringer with that MIL of yourse, thats for sure. My MIL passed in January. Very sweet lady, especially compared to YOUR, but the thing she would do to drive me absolutely crazy is invite Toxic Troll to family gatherings!!! She was in her 90's with a touch of dementia and I dont think she really knew how horrible DH was treated.

Well if thats her worst you have nothing to worry about...shes far away I hope...

Thumper's picture

OMG---your husband should have told his mom OFF and left.

What is wrong with people.

Booboo (((HUGS))))