BMnotallowed's Blog
Is a SM suppose to fade into the background?
I am in a no win battle here. If BM had it her way I would just poof be gone. DH has told her to back off. I gave her back her little "thou shalt not list" and told her to back off but to no avail. Everything I do gets under her skin. I brush the girls’ hair into ponytails and it’s a problem and I only did it because a giggle fest irrupted when my H tried. I go with DH to take them winter coat shopping and she has a problem with that. The girls have a great time here. Both my H and I are full of energy and fun spirited so we always have some time of adventure when the girls are here.
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Pictures with SM
This weekend My H was in the picture taking mood. He took pictures of the kids, the kids and I ,the kids and him and pictures of us together. We got these coasters that you can put pictures in and he took pictures of us and the kids making holloween cupcakes and put them in the coasters. He gave his kids copies of the pictures. One of his youngest daughters wanted a pitcures of us making cupcakes and one wanted a picture of her doing my makeup so DH gave them copies.
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BM's thou shalt not list
Someone commented on my last blog that it would be a fun idea to share the list given to me by BM of what not to do when her kids are with us. If you want some comitic relief keep reading.
Don't try to boss my kids around
If they want to go somewhere with their father you do not need to tag along.
If I need to talk to my kids or their father when they are with him you are obligated to make sure they answer the phone.
Do not try getting them to call you mom they have one mother and should only be addressing you by first name.
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condescending bio mom
Hi I'm the new kid on the block I've been reading in shock and awe of what you guys go through and know I am definitely not alone. Here is my delima.
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