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BMJen's Blog

Okay, so I have one last thing to say about all of this.

BMJen's picture

Don't do it to someone else.

I can handle it. My BM can handle it. My DH can handle it. My Skids can handle it.

Others may not be able to. You can wreck families with this. Destroy their whole that what you really want to do here? all because you were booted off a website? Really?

I thought I knew you better than this. I didn't know you had this in you. Maybe you chose me because you know I can handle it and were just trying to scare everyone else? That's what I hope.

But really, just don't do anything else.

Hey guys, I'm still around. :)

BMJen's picture

I haven't been on to much latley. I did see the new changes, and have been following up with my buddies on here. But I've been super busy and just haven't had the time to spill it all out on the keyboard! Now that the new features are in place I think I can safley though, and I'm grateful for that. Wink

Anyway, I just wanted to say hi real quick and let everyone know that I haven't bailed out on ya!!

An appeal to ST.

BMJen's picture

This has been talked about amungst most of us. A friend talked to me about it alot last night, and were trying to do this per PM but it's impossible to reach everyone that way.

I was going to copy and past the message we were trying to send, but instead I'll make it short and sweet.

The only way we are ever going to get this site back to the helpful wonderful place that we love, without the constant turmoil from that one member (we all know who she is),

What kind of person are you? This is actually On topic! :)

BMJen's picture

The other night I spoke to two of my friends that I hadn't talked to in a very long time. I remember why I stopped talking to them now........after about a year of not talking nothing has changed. I sat on the phone and I listened to them talk my ear off for about a hour each about all of their problems. Not ONCE did either of them ask me how things have been going for me.

It made me stop and look around at my place within most of my relationships. I'm the listener, the fixer. Anyone I know can dump all their hardships on me and I help them to fix the problems.

My SD got me a gift.

BMJen's picture

She called me today when she got home from school and asked me where I was. I was coming into town so I told her. She told me to come by because she got me something. I said I'm on my way! LOL!

I got there and she gave me the book "Twilight", the first of the series. I read the last two and figured I'd read the first and second when I was done and got around to it since I already saw the movies. She knew this because she loaned me the last two!

She said that the school had a book fair and she couldn't resist.

OT~~ Twilight.

BMJen's picture

I'm obsessed with the Twilight saga. I mean hands down, freaking obsessed. With the movies that is.......I wish I could read the books but I seriously don't have the time. Have you ever seen those books? They are bigger than the bible. I mean it would take me six months to get through one of them, and by that time a new movie is coming out!

The whole undying love, that beats all the odds, it just amazes me.

Is anyone else out there as much in love with these movies as I am?

Alot of kids are shit heads.

BMJen's picture

It's not always just Skids that are shit heads. Sometimes it's bio kids to. And is it from a lack of parenting? Not ALWAYS.

My son will do all of the following in a freaking heart beat:


Fail school.

Has 7, yes 7, girlfriends (currently).

Eat like a freaking pig, leaving food all over the floor and counter top where he ate (he's not allowed to eat anywhere but the kitchen bar)

Piss all over the damn bathroom like he has no control over where it goes.

Wack off in the shower and leave the shit there for me to find.
