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Bianca29's Blog

Trying Something New....

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So SD8 is a little other way to go about it. She lies about everything, if her mouth is moving, she's lying!
She has been grounded for it, first an afternoon, then a day, then 3 days, then a week. Didn't work. So she had her whole bedroom stripped, nothing but her bed and clothes left. I made her write lines till her hand hurt, I will not lie! Then I tore up the pages infront of her. This worked for me when I was a kid and got caught stealing from a store. I even tried a lie jar, $10 a lie. I made $50! Nothing is getting through to this kid.

A whole year and not much has changed....

Bianca29's picture

I noticed the last time I posted was exactly a year ago today! Can't believe it's been that long. Sadly not a whole lot has changed though. We are still fighting on parenting SD now 8 together. I don't understand why this is so hard! He seems on board then he does something that is just plain stupid!

I went back to picking up SD from school and come September she will be going to the same school as my kids. Not sure if this is a good idea or not. She has an easy time making friends but can't seem to keep them. Guess that's what happens when you're rude, snotty and you lie!

Just needing to get this out!

Bianca29's picture

So things have been going really well with SD(7) being picked up from her mom after school. She seems to be acting normal lately, ever since DH refused to listen to her going off about me anymore. She's nothing but a bully and as soon as he refused to hear it anymore, she stopped. I was under the impression that DH was going to talk to her sometime soon about watching her during the day for the summer. I wasn't really saying anything about it because DH should be able to handle this all on his own. I've also started babysitting a little 2 year old to make a bit of extra money.

DH is the king of guilt trips

Bianca29's picture

DH likes to guilt me into things. Taking SD(7) by myself, taking her extra days, asking me to parent her, mold her and have "girls days" with her. Thing is I can't do it anymore. I don't get along with her, have I tried. She is whiny and full of attitude, why would I want to do things with her when I have my own kids to hang out around that I actually enjoy? Why can't her BM do girls days with her, I would not be cool with another woman doing that with my daughter!

Biomom is ruining my relationship!

Bianca29's picture

I have one SD(7), I also have two sons from a previous relationship and we have a 5 month old baby together. We have been together almost 3 years and it seems bio mom is getting crazier the longer we are together. The shit really hit the fan when SD told her I was pregnant. We don't have the normal custody arrangement here. We all live in the same town, my ex thankfully lives two hours away. With his schedule he only takes the boys once a month. As far as exes go, he is pretty decent, same rules as I have for the boys, treats them well, feeds them properly.