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BellaMia's Blog

I need honest opinions...

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The other day, I was about to make dinner, so I went and changed out of my work clothes. FH comes into the bedroom (I was in the bathroom/closet area) and is like, "Hey... SS11... NeighborKid... to go play..."

That's all I heard. Then he was like, "So what do you think?" I said, "Well did he finish his chores and his homework?"

FH: No... but I really want him to make friends.
Me: Well... NeighborKid is like 3-4 years younger than him. I wouldn't be so focused on him making friends with him anyway
FH: So what do you think I should do?

Hear that...? It's the sound of spring break! :-)

BellaMia's picture

No whirring, dinging, clicking of video games... No Avatar... No Dragon Ball Z whatever... No sponges wearing any clothing, pants or otherwise. No, "Hey, First Name, did you know...?" No slurping, spilling, complaining during dinner.

Plus DH is traveling for work. It's about to be me, some bad Chinese, worse TV and a bottle of wine...

Le purr... Wink

Am I wrong? Am I overthinking it?

BellaMia's picture

SS11 is leaving today to go to BM's for spring break (thank goodness). DH is out of town until late Thursday for work (again). He left Sunday so it's my job to get SS on the plane. Yesterday I thought it would be good to take him to the store to get ear plugs (I know the pressure changes seem to REALLY bother him... mmmhmm... :rollingmyeyes:) and to pick out an assortment of snacks for his plane ride. I was also planning to take him to an early movie and lunch. I got dressed and then went out to get some toast.

Why can't skids ALWAYS be this way?

BellaMia's picture

SS11 came home from school about an hour and a half ago. I was on the couch reading. He was in a great mood and so was/am I. We chatted while he ate a snack, then he came and sat on couch next to me. Next thing I knew, he was curled up, taking a nap, right beside me. As close as he can get without being right on me.

Sigh... These are the moments that make it hard to fully disengage. I can't help but want to love and care about them, but then it's so easy to get sucked back in and, subsequently, end up with hurt feelings.
