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Beentherebefore's Blog

BM Calls DH last night it seems SD 13 is having a melt down

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Well, SD, 13, is all upset because BM was looking through her text messages and facebook post. SD uses BM's phone because she can not be trusted with her own phone. Long story short, About 2 years ago, SD sent naked pictures of herself to a 50 year old guy. If she were my child, she would have never had access to a phone or computer until she was out of my house for her own safety but unfortunately, she has TWO brain dead parents.

Update from blog on Yesterday...DH cheating...

Beentherebefore's picture

Well, I contacted my lawyer yesterday. My lawyer was very impressed with me. DH and I have always had separate banking accounts, credit cards, car loans...etc We do not have kids together. The furniture in the house is my furniture. I purchased it before DH moved in.The apartment is rented in my name. Electric, and cable bills are all in my name. He has his own cell plan. We have NOTHING we share together.