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If it isn't one thing it's another

Be11s's picture

If it isn't SD annoying me, making me regret ever marrying her father, its BM taking him to court. I swear that these parents have probably been to court 20 times over this child. Is her sh** made of gold or something? DH says that he doesn't want to pay BM CS. That is his reason for keeping SD. Don't worry about the fact that she makes your wife miserable. Or the fact that even you find her annoying and tiresome, dishonest, annoying and dull, DEAR HUSBAND. We don't want to pay BM. I bet he will change his tune when SD is old enough to demand she get to live with her Mommmmmmmy. BM and those two deserve each other. Two of a kind, peas in a pod. SD seems to have inherited all of BM's DNA.

My husband and I do have TWO children together..but somehow life always seems to be about SD and her idiot mother. Why is that! Is that fair to me and our children?


Justme54's picture

IS BM unfit parent? I am surprised she does not fight for SD to live with her. What is all the court battles about?

Be11s's picture

BM is a drug addict felon who lives with her mom. Sometimes BM will decide she wants SD and try to get xyorz from him. A lot of the time it's BM's mom working through her. BM sees SD 4 days a month and that's it. Doesn't call or anything. Nothing. But yet, she is trying to get visitation..this always happens though..she goes to court, the court gives her what she wants because she has a vagina, and then she uses drugs and goes back to jail sending the SD back to us full time. Repeated cycle for years!

Frustr8d1's picture

Yeah, my SD inherited her BM's sociopathic DNA for sure! And BM dumped SD on us to deal with full time after SHE fkd her up!

thebrokenrecordmachine's picture

I agree...I believe research has proven that disorders of the mind are hereditary...just like alcoholism...but again it all boils down to that nature vs nurture debate...My SD has SEVERE Self Image Issues(see recent blog) and her mom also has some issues she needs to deal with as well.
I think A LOT of our reactions to stressful situations stems from our parents reactions of when we did something wrong. For instance, if I dropped a glass of milk and my mom told me, "You fucking idiot-what did you do that for?"--when I go into the kitchen again to get a glass of anything, in my mind Ill be petrified and lose confidence on my ability to actually get a glass of milk, so going forward...ill think im an idiot that cant pour milk....sorry its a stupid example lol...but hopefully it makes some sense.

I know that my parents had many marital problems hence their impending divorce(alhtough they still live together but thats another topic on its own) here is an ex, my mom would complain and cry when my dad wouldnt get her something for her birthday or anniversary. So as a child I would not want to see my parents fight or my mom cry, so I would go out and buy something for her from my dad with my babysitting money...How has this impacted me in the future--whenever a birthday comes up or valentines day and my SO didnt go ALL out I get pissed and I have developed a low tolerance for people who cry...even though lately I have been.