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AshMar654's Blog

First Holiday with SO, SS, & future InLaws.....Oh Boy!

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I am just venting on this one a little maybe alot. Just need to get it down and out of my system at this point. Holidays with my SO were pretty great, did Christmas Eve at my parents with him and his son. Everything started Thursday night when I went up there and guess who showed up for dinner, yup the aunt no clue why but it was what it was. Oh and she started drinking plenty again and was getting to the point where she was trying to tell her brother my SO, I just want to be included once you all move in, and the eyes were getting teary.

Need to vent, SO sister what was she thinking???

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Ok, I am new to this whole soon to be SM and having a SS. Anyway SO and I were in Maryland this weekend for one night cause he is down there for work so I went to visit him. I live by myself not with SO and SS. SS is in the care of the grandparents while dad is out of town for work. Well SO's sister has been taking SS on the weekends for the last few weeks and helping out while SO is out of town. She does this of her own free will no one asks her to.
