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Warning: Sarcasm.

Apples's picture

So, I get told last night that SO's ex is moving in with SO's mother, SO getting full custody until she can find a house.



NCMilGal's picture

Wait, WHAT?

*tries to figure out the relationships and WHY - gives up*

*also gives up on finding sarcasm*

Apples's picture

Yeah I left the predicted happy loving rant out Wink

I don;t know WHY.. im figuring it out myself..

Where the hell are his boundaries? Where are hers? Why is he fixing her dishwasher and letting her move into his mums? ARGH

Synaesthete's picture

If he's fixing things for her, he needs boundaries and he needs to firmly and clearly put them in place NOW.

Having said that, unless he asked, encouraged, pleaded with, etc. his mother to let BM move in with her, that was his mother's decision and not really his boundary. Grandparents of biological children are often willing to help out the BM to ensure they'll have as much access to the grandchildren as possible. If you and SO are the CPs for the timebeing I'm sure that sounds strange but maybe it's a stay-on-BMs-good-side thing?

Don't know, girl. I feel for you, though. Boundaries of some kind need to be put into effect.

THE Wifey's picture

Wooooowww! I once dated a guy whose mom, while we were dating bought his ex a car and paid her insurance and cell phone. I realized that I couldn't handle that, it felt like a stab to her son, who the ex was trying to take to the cleaners.

FDH's mom is a fundamentalist Christian, and I have never heard her swear, except one time, when she was referring to the BM and called her a b#$%h. That is more like it...

I feel for you. The decision to let her move in is ultimately his mom's. Remember that even if you are upset and hurt. If I were you, I wouldn't even say anything to DH about it.

Apples's picture

I've just ended it with him, thanks for all of the advice! It sucks, but I just don't think it's fair for me to try and handle it if he won't change it.

Thanks everyone! Smile